Seems Mickey Mouse??? is into... jihad?

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by OldDude49, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    well maybe that isn't Mickey?

    duane, Dunerunner and Asia-Off-Grid like this.
  2. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Screw Palestine! I support Israel, all the way!
    Sapper John, Ura-Ki, BenP and 3 others like this.
  3. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I support lsrael.
  4. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Israel,,(y) ,,,the rest of’em,,,,[patr][YD]
    Asia-Off-Grid, Ura-Ki and OldDude49 like this.
  5. BenP

    BenP Monkey++

    Israel should relocate these guys into Egypt/Jordan and be done with them. They should do it now while they have the white house on their side.
    Ura-Ki, SB21 and OldDude49 like this.
  6. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    there are no Palestinians those are Arabs, so yes send them to Egypt or Jordan. Jerusalem's Al Aqsa mosque is never mentioned in their religious text. One more problem is that the mosque grounds are not holy as children play soccer and picnicking. won't see that at mecca or medina.
    The kabba in mecca was the temple of Shiva the destroyer a Hindu god, in the quran that Muhammad discovered 360 Pagan idols surrounding the Kaaba, which he proceeded to destroy. A lie told often enough becomes truth like "the religion of peace" for a religion that constantly kills it's own but is not partial they kill women and children as well.

    This Excerpt below from this site
    The Al Aqsa Mosque of the Quran is not in Jerusalem - Dr. Mordechai Kedar

    Early Islamic sources state that the “al Aqsa Mosque” (literal meaning: ‘the farther mosque’), mentioned only once in the Koran, was one of two mosques located near Ji’irrana, a village located between Mecca and Taaf in the Arabian Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia.) One of the mosques was called “al-Masjid al-Adna,” meaning the “closer mosque” and the other ” al-Masjid al-Aqsa”, the “farther mosque.” When the Koran refers to the al Aqsa mosque while telling the myth of the Prophet Muhammad’s night time journey from the “holy mosque” of Mecca to al Aqsa, that is, the “farther mosque,” it is referring to the mosque in Ji’irrana.

    In 682 C.E., fifty years after Mohammed’s death, Abd allah Ibn al-Zubayr, the tough man of Mecca, rebelled against the Umayyads who ruled Damascus and would not allow them to fulfill the Haj in Mecca. Since the Haj pilgrimage is one of the five basic Islamic commandments, they were forced to choose Jerusalem as their alternative for a pilgrimage site. In order to justify choosing Jerusalem, the Umayyads rewrote the story told in the Koran, moving the al Aqsa mosque to Jerusalem, and adding, for good measure, the myth of the night time journey of Mohammed to al Aqsa. This is the reason the Sunnis now consider Jerusalem their third holiest city.
    Ura-Ki and SB21 like this.
  7. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    IF and that is a really big if, there are any Palestinians where did the come from ?
    Why do they steal everything Mickey Barney the dinosaur and then use it to teach their children to hate and kill ? well a condensed history below may help.

    Moses was likely born around 1248 B.C. add another 2,000 years since Christ round it off about 3,200 years When Moses "saw" he never went in to the promised land, there was no one tribe that consisted of Palestine or "Palestinians" in fact most all the tribes that lived there were wiped out and the Bible mentioned most of these tribes they warred against each other so they were not a single people or Palestinians.

    Mark Twain wanted to see where the Bible new testament took place, so he went to Jerusalem, and found few people and no thriving city. Jews have continuously inhabited Israel for over 3,000 years Before the dispersed Jews came back in 1948 to the land we now call Israel the English called it Palestine it was undeveloped out side the city there were no large industry and infrastructure was small. You may curse The Jewish people but love them or hate them them they are industrious the most patents in the world per year are out of Israel most of the fruit sold in Europe, from Israel in 1948 the Israelis were almost wiped out because the English tried to confiscate all the weapons so after they got their Independence they proceeded to build plants to manufacture their own weapons and ammunition so they could better control their destiny.

    The Jews are not stupid fighting and war costs money they would rather have peace and do business I have never heard of a Israeli or Jew suicide bomber have not read that Israel started a war or attack. the quote, " Next year in Jerusalem" has been around for longer than the Al-aqsa mosque finished in 705 AD. Arabs a lot of them were nomadic all the countries and borders now never existed before the English took over it was only the Arabs and the Persians all of the "kings" today were descendants from regional warlords that the English used as surrogate governors to control the region.

    this history lesson to tell you that if, I am going to back anyone it is the Israelis because I know the ambition of the Muslims is exactly as they have stated been quoting on video is to destroy the great satan the US and the Jews / Israel. They don't care if your an agnostic atheist Christian, democrat republican or a independent or even a Buddhist, Hindu, or Eskimo either you convert or die Only stupid people buy into supporting the people of the prophet and if he was such a great prophet how come he died at the hands of a Jewish girl from poison ? he killed her family and made here serve him and his men I do not know about any of you but, that was not what I would have done and I am not a prophet or even a good guesser.

    I don't really have time to care or worry about anyone else I have a full plate taking care of myself family and friends. If people keep saying they want me dead and to kill me screw them.
    OldDude49, Alf60, SB21 and 2 others like this.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Something else I’ve heard,,,, any society that has ever existed,,, had their own currency,,, not using another country’s or another society’s form of currency.
    OldDude49 and ochit like this.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Currently the Muslim are getting into government ,city state and local . and on top of that, multiplying with babies to out vote us in the future .
    They will, like the liberals, use the laws against us, and have the will to do it, and the reputation to see it through .
    SB21 and OldDude49 like this.
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