Short film worth a watch?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy


    Good film?


    “No killer is going to walk away because a little sign says he can’t bring a firearm inside,” says Praesidium writer Paul Myzia on the short film’s Indigogo page. Myzia is the Warrenville, Illinois cinematographer behind Reel Clef Studios

    Praesidium, which is defined as a standing executive committee in a communist country, focuses on the fact that while we cannot change the past, we can help save our future by eliminating ‘gun-free’ zones that only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens.

    Nothing drives a point home like experience. Our government is deceiving its citizens to think they are safer with stricter gun laws.
    This is absolutely false.

    By allowing something as simple as a little sign that says “no guns allowed”, we are giving up our freedom, and in a growing number of cases – our lives. The idiocy of the idea that a killer will see that sign, and turn around and leave is just absurd. These signs only tell a killer that nobody inside is armed or dangerous, and every citizen just becomes easy prey. This film shows exactly that – no verbal message necessary. It will spark conversation, debate – it will be controversial. But no one who watches it will be able to deny the truth that the only thing that saves a life in these situations – is a law-abiding citizen able to defend them-self and others with a firearm, concealed or not.
    [/quote]Myzia’s short film features a man trying to prevent the murder of a woman he loves by using a watch capable of sending him through time. When going back and plastering the scene with gun-free signs fails, he tries leaving a gun for her to use for self defense.

    Watch Myzia’s film here and let us know what you think: does this short film hit it’s mark?…-how-gun-free-zones-fail/
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, short and to the point and gets the idea across. The young actors did well...Jefferson's quote was spot-on.

    I love Tennessee's idea of holding companies and stores libel should a person be hurt/killed because they have a 'Gun Free Zone.' This should be in every state. I hope we get it soon here in Idaho but one doesn't see too many Gun Free signs around here. National stores that have Gun Free policies, for example COSTCO, normally don't even put up their signs here and to be honest they don't enforce their policy either here. My feeling is if they don't have a sign up then I am wearing my gun and if they have a sign up then I will go some other place or, if it's necessary I go in, they can ask me to leave but I am not disarming myself so I can be led like a lamb to the slaughter. EDIT: I don't really care for the title though...
    Dont, marlas1too and UncleMorgan like this.
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