10. There are two successful Starbucks franchises located in the back seat. 9. It doubles as a carport for your Taurus. 8. It's great for soccer moms, since the back seat folds down into an entire field, complete with goals. 7. You need a Sherpa and an oxygen tank to reach the driver's seat. 6. Your buddy riding shotgun is in a different time zone. 5. Mortgage payment = $2200. Texaco card payment = $2201. 4. When you pull up to the pharmacy window, they already have the package of extra small condoms bagged and ready to go. 3. You get a letter from Hans Blix demanding that it be dismantled immediately. 2. Due to new military intel that has narrowed the search down to the inside of your vehicle, President Bush remains confident that Osama Bin Laden will someday be found. and the Number 1 Sign Your SUV Is Too Damn Big... 1. The fuel gauge doubles as a fan.