silver coins

Discussion in 'Financial Cents' started by weapons_762, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Gold over $900 and Silver mid $16... yikes...
    Guess things are changing pretty fast....[booze]
  2. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I had no idea that the bicentennial quarters had silver content. Wow. I have a BUNCH of them.

    As for the separating of the metals, I don't see the need right now. I hear questions about melting coins all the time but the 'value' of the coin seems to be based on it's contnent and you really have no need to smelt them. Some folks talk about melting pre-82 pennies and nickels. I don't think a bar is more valuable than the coins.
  3. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    For the pennies and nicholes I could see the reasoning since most folks dont want to buy them (in general) over face or at least not at the metal value and they passed a law IIRC that the scrap yards and such couldnt buy/smelt coins anymore because so many were takeing in the copper pennies. So if you melt them down your self and take them blobs or bars of copper then you could sell them, if you keep them as coins you just get face. On the silver coins I would agree though since its a known comodity in coin form but in the form of a bar or blob the buyer dont know without testing equiptment the purity and such.
  4. Fstvette78

    Fstvette78 Monkey++

    For post 65 coins I tell people I will give them 80% of face value...but I have yet to have any takers
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