It is a pretty big milepost to pass. No telling where it will go from here - time to make plans on what to do with my miniscule investment (perhaps a 24" flat screen television :^)
It'll be back up again over $30 and stay there before the year ends ... I remember watching and thinking the same thing around $10 :0)
Oh I know it will.. it just blatant, in your face, manipulation taking it down 2.3 dollars in 2-5 minutes.. really?
It's the speed of digital representations of physical wealth and the illusion of reality that it has come to represent for so many... Unfortunately, its become frighteningly easy to electronically manipulate and therefore a fragile reality at best for most who rely solely on it for their life and future... Although most aren't even aware and prefer not to know... cause up to now and maybe for a while... its been a good ride... and the steak and wine taste good.... (Matrix is such a good analogy for this :0) I think things can be controlled, directed and shut down with a simple keystroke or flip of a switch... But that's just me.... JMHO... "Slow Burn"..... Sucks!
There will be profit taking all the way up and down... That's the whole reason behind manipulation... Always follow the money... directly or indirectly....