Mosby Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows….with an important postscript (seriously, read the fucking postscript!)

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by melbo, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows….with an important postscript (seriously, read the fucking postscript!)
    August 31, 2014
    The “prepper/survivalist/patriot/III%” community has absolutely zero social or political import, because the public face of the community is a bunch of fat, lazy, self-important redneck fucks who are failures in modern society. Despite the guns and macho-blustering bravado, the community poses absolutely zero real threat to the mainstream status quo, and the mainstream status quo recognizes that. All “they” have to do is point at the idiots—the “crazy gun nuts” and the “whacky survivalists,” and the sheep giggle and join in the finger-pointing and mockery. That’s not going to change, until you begin to be able to convince people that you are not just a string hanging on the fringe.

    Until that changes, nothing changes.

    Until that changes, the entire “liberty” aspect of the prepper community is utterly pointless.

    If the patriot community is going to reassert traditional western liberal morals, and constitutional values, it’s not going to be done through a social uprising or the voting booth. The majority of voters are content with their lives exactly the way they are. They’ve got their NASCAR and Pabst Blue Ribbon, their cheap wine and late night soap operas. They’ve got their Labor Day weekend camping trips and summer trips to Disney World.

    It’s not even going to happen from armed revolution. Comfortable people don’t rock the boat, because they don’t need to to become comfortable. They’re already there. Sitting on your couch, eating your USDA-approved food pyramid-based diet—specifically designed to make you soft, lethargic, and weak—and watching mind-numbing (literally), socialist value reinforcing programming on television is comfortable.

    It doesn’t matter how loud we yell. There will be no “great awakening” of the masses; there will no resurgence of rugged American patriotism, because for most people, being a slave is a painless comfort. It’s EASY.

    The “revolution” will only be achieved through the development of relatively small, extremely tight-knit tribes and bands of people, capable of existing within or without the socio-economic mainstream, who spread their message, face-to-face, to individuals and groups with whom the mainstream has lost credibility of intimidation. This autonomy—the collective independence—is the only thing that poses enough of a “threat” to the mainstream status quo, to be effective.

    Ultimately however, for that autonomy to be effective, it has to be….real.

    You can blame liberals all you want, but doing so is intellectual cowardice. “Statists gonna state.” It’s the nature of the beast. We have LET them achieve their aims. It is only through tribal efforts at the local level that we can reclaim our values. There is no possible agreement between the values of traditional western liberty and the Statist. In rebelling against this, we have to be willing to recognize—and accept at the visceral level rather than the intellectual level—that it is a total war against us.

    You have to build your local community and ensure its resilience. Can it survive—with or without the government’s help? What if the government is opposed to the existence of your community? Can you defend yourself, your family, and your friends?

    “Give me liberty or give me death” and “don’t tread on me” must return to being legitimate, genuine, core values, rather than feel-good, macho posturing platitudes that they have become in recent years. As your tribe/band/group/community moves towards greater autonomy and independence of the mainstream, you have to recognize that the very real threat it now poses—versus a bunch of corporate accountants playing dress-up as commandos on the weekends—IS a threat to the status quo, and will be dealt with as such. “Don’t tread on me” has to become, “Don’t tread on me, or I’ll chop your fucking head off and stick it on a pole!” “Give me liberty or give me death” HAS to become, “We WILL live our lives, and respect our values and morals. If you don’t like it, the only way to stop us is to kill us…and we WILL resist.”

    The sad truth is, all of the negative shit we see in the news, from the Islamic State beheading infidels as it retakes ground that American and Allied kids spilled blood to protect, to the president offering Amnesty to every swinging dick that can make it across our southern border, to the constant inanities of the GOP and the Dems; it’s all part of what you’re SUPPOSED to see.

    Keeping the masses riled up and angry is the president’s job, so the GOP has someone to point at and raise funds and blame. If you think “your guy” had a chance in the next election, it will keep you silent and obedient, in the hope that “he” will change things.

    Quit worrying about what is going on nationally. Worry about YOUR community and YOUR family and YOUR friends.


    John Mosby

    Important Post-Script:

    I need to apologize, for having been absent so much the last several months. Between dealing with the printers for the book, packaging and shipping, training, teaching classes, and spending time with the wife and kid, I’ve been busier than the proverbial one-legged man in the ass-kicking contest.

    There is a remedy.

    Sam Culper (Guerrillamerica) has asked me to join the staff of Forward Observer Magazine, and I’ve taken him up on that offer. Beginning next month, I will be writing a minimum of one article per week for the FO blog, and will have at least one article in each quarterly issue of the print magazine. While this will—obviously—change some things concerning control of content, I am willing to make those changes for several reasons.

    1) I am tired of writing a dozen articles in a week, and then not writing anything for six months. FO will require me to write one article per week and one per quarterly print edition of the magazine. This will force me to make sure I continue putting content out that I believe is of value to the community, on a regular basis, instead of so randomly.

    2) While it will require me to reduce the incidence of fuck-bombs in my writing, I believe what Sam is doing—putting a respectable, more mainstream face on the community—is critically important. Something I have made quite clear from the very beginning of writing the blog is my belief, despite being pretty much a “fuck it, let’s chop some heads off” sort of knuckle dragger, this community needs a more respectable face for the public. We need to “win friends and influence people.” Right now? It’s a giant fucking circle jerk as everyone eye fawns pseudo propaganda that we all agree with anyway, but has no bearing on anyone not already part of the community, mentally.

    FO has not been all that it could be, but Sam recognizes that and is working to improve it. In a recent exchange he stated: “Well, here’s the deal. FO is about to get 100% more professional. We have a brand new site coming out. We’re picking up steam on the design and article quality front…but right now? Our site sucks.”

    I’m honored that he thinks my efforts will help that.

    3) In addition to training and doctrinal information, I will continue, at least once per month, to write an editorial on current events, as they pertain to readiness and preparedness, under the “Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows” motif. I’ve avoided getting too involved with current events on the blog—beyond what is necessary—because it didn’t fit the theme of the blog. Moving to FO will allow me to piss in more Wheaties….and I guarantee, some of my opinions on current events will be controversial.
    4) Finally….I am horrendously opposed to the cult of personality surrounding too many small arms instructors and tactical trainers. It reeks of gay. Unfortunately, somehow, as others have noticed, it seems to occur, even when we actively try and discourage it. It makes me uncomfortable, and damned sure creeps out my wife who cannot understand what’s so wonderful about the guy who leaves the toilet seat up.

    I am just a dude. I happened to have once had a really cool job, surrounded by really cool people who happened to teach me a lot of really cool shit that happens to be important. I am not a hero. I don’t even personally consider myself an expert. Any motherfucker who tells you his way is the only way, is full of shit. Period. Full-stop, end of story. Are there best practices? Sure, but that doesn’t mean they work for everyone. I can only pass on what has worked for ME, under the conditions that I used them. Trying to impose them on every situation? Bullshit. I am not a hero, I’m not a badass. I’m not some sort of fucking celebrity. ‘m just a dude.

    Nevertheless, since people have been demanding it for at least two years now, and a reader of the blog decided to commission the inestimable Jack Donovan to create a logo, we will be offering t-shirts and hoodies with the mountain guerrilla logo (seriously, go ahead and buy one. I’ve got another kid on the way, and TMO and HH6 deserve an awesome Christmas, since last year’s pretty much sucked scrotum. But if you show up at my class wearing it, I’m likely to call you nineteen kinds of homo….). My agreement with Sam is that 20% of the profits from sales of MG logo stuff will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, providing scholarship financial aid to the children of Special Operations servicemembers killed in the line of duty (training or combat).

    Additionally, once the current stock of The Reluctant Partisan (yes, we still have copies available. After the fuck up with the first printer, I increased the initial print run) sells out, future printings, as well as Volume Two (currently being written. This one WILL be out by Christmas), will be sold through Forward Observer, rather than the total clusterfuck the current method has turned out to be.

    I look forward to seeing all of you at Forward Observer, beginning next month. The content currently available at this site and the old site: will remain available.

    Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows….with an important postscript (seriously, read the fucking postscript!) | MountainGuerrilla
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