I was not sure where to put this so thought here would be good. One of my favorite pastimes is making, shooting and hunting with slingshots. I have really been addicted to them for quite a while, when I was on active duty I carried an old marksman in my ruck everywhere I went and had some pretty good adventures with it. Now days I only make my own, one of the only shooting implements I am aware of that you make yourself. I am pretty sure there is no better feeling than getting supper with a tool that you made entirely yourself, fork, bands and pouch. Few pics.
@August West - Poke around a bit in the hunting and fishing forum, also on back to basics. You'll find a good bit of slingshot info.
Very nicely carved. Any experience with the David and Goliath sling? I can't hit the broadside of a barn with one.
Very true, but between writing, working out with a live blade and daily lifeslings and bolos have dropped to the bottom of my list.
I have 2 very nice slings that were made for me by a friend, I can hit OK with them but really besides an area weapon can't really see the worth of them. Way too much big motion to be of much value as a hunting tool imo, if something does set still long enough and you do connect they would be devastating though.
Never been super impressed with commercially banded wrist rockets, plus I like to be able to put my slingshot in my pocket. For ammo I recycle old wheel weights into, .40, .44 and .50 lead balls. My homemade gear will shoot through a cottontail at almost 30 yds not sure if one would sit still while I twirled a sling over my head though.
I use 5/16 hex nuts, to kill rabbits a squirrels. and my wrist rocket fold it fits in the backpocket easily.
Cool, guess my pockets are smaller. Lots of people love them, wrist braced models are about all you can get in the stores. I will say those big tubes last forever but I just can't get the speed out of them that I can with flats or the small Chinese tubes.
I like the wrist rocket much better. I used to use lead .36 caliber round ball I cast. They don't carry as far, but they do thump hard.
I was lucky enough to bag the elusive can of squash, first shot just winged it next shot I got it good.
Cool! Congrads. Must be a lot of squirrels there? I started a thread on tiny survival kits and can't find it. Any suggestions?
Same set up on a cottontail at 27 yds. Entrance Ball almost all the way through. Slingshots are so much fun.
damn, serious power in that sling to do that to a bunny. Um I started a thread, can'tfindit.Do you know how Ican find it?It was titled tiny survival kits.
It is in the General section, if you are searching you left the i out of tiny so probably why it is not coming up.