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Construction Small Off Grid Cabin 1.0

small basic simple cabin w/large deck

  1. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    mechstdr submitted a new resource:

    Small Off Grid Cabin - small basic simple cabin w/large deck

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  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It is a modest sized structure that could be improved upon by adding a lean-to verandah on the left hand side as you face the front of the structure. This would not only expand the surface area for rainfall water collection, but could also be enclosed for storage purposes, or installation of an outdoor kitchen.
    SB21 and mechstdr like this.
  3. mechstdr

    mechstdr patriotic grease monkey

    You could put in a floor in the porch overhang and make a sleeping loft and/or storage loft, the side porch roof you propose is an excellent idea, face that roof south for me, north for you i think and add solar panels plus battery room underneath for off-grid power. Enclose that section to make possibly a bedroom/bathroom area as well as battery/power room, the first section/room would be living room/kitchen area now. :D a cistern to collect runoff from roof also. you could enclose the front porch also, the mods are your choice. (y)
    Zimmy likes this.
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