Social media usage?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by melbo, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Use Facebook more than forums

    2 vote(s)
  2. About half and half

    3 vote(s)
  3. Browse and contribute to forums more than Facebook

    9 vote(s)
  4. I don't use Facebook at all

    15 vote(s)
  5. What's a face book machine?

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    One downside of tailoring a "new feed" for individual users is they could lose out on so much valuable content. Were I to limit my news feed to strictly the survival thread, I might miss a a member's life event in the Prayer Closet or a tidbit of information erroneously posted in the wrong forum.

    I dislike targeted information as much as I dislike targeted advertising. I want to be in control but this is not news to anyone who knows me!
  2. Dawg23

    Dawg23 do or do not, there is no try

    SM has a page on facebook? :eek: i did not know that. and I keep my SM and FB stuff far apart. I use facebook for games, and keeping up with some friends,and thats about it. I keep my Monkey business seperate, purely for OPSEC reasons. I am willing to get SM on my Kindle Fire, but I will stick with my laptop for now.
    Tevin, VisuTrac and Brokor like this.
  3. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    Ditto that exactly for me as well.

    Maybe it's my old iphone but trying to put an image in a posting that isn't pulled from some website seems to be a challenge if not an impossibility any more. I end up having to load it from my phone to a regular computer and load it from there to SM. What a pain.
  4. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    You must be using the style Monkeystyle Full. switch to MonkeyStyle and it will be adaptive/responsive.
    This link should change it for you: Survival Monkey Forums
    NotSoSneaky likes this.
  5. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I think I've done a poor job of trying to explain what I'm after. This is not uncommon - just ask my wife...
    1. We're trying to figure out (and so are many other forum admins) where our forum traffic has gone too and we suspect that FB is a big part of it.
    2. We're not looking to place the forum into a FB page or anything that requires any change or opt out on anyone's part.
    3. An app is simply short for Application or program. Firefox and MS Word are apps. App was shorthand for programs that could be installed and run on a phone or tablet but it's usage has spread to desktop software over the past year or so.
    4. TapaTalk is really just a Web Browser that's customized to optimize forum viewing. I do not like it though as we have zero control over how it works.
    5. If we created an app for those so inclined to use it, it would not affect anyone who didn't wish to use it. It wouldn't affect @ghrit if somebody else decided to use it.
    I think I may have confused the issue by talking about FB integration. What that means in Forum Admin World is that FB people can use their FB log-in to access the forum. It also allows them to use the 'share' buttons to post links to a useful thread on their FB page.

    Perhaps I'm asking the wrong group if they use FB more than the forum since all of you are here, on the forum :)
    stg58, NotSoSneaky, Dawg23 and 3 others like this.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    There was never a question in my mind that anything that would reduce the membership (or limit what members can do on the site) would happen. Goes against all reason to think that possible.

    I am actually surprised at the share of active members that don't use FB at all -- 11 of 26 at this moment, 40ish percent.
    Dawg23 and AmericanRedoubt1776 like this.
  7. Dawg23

    Dawg23 do or do not, there is no try

    If i didnt play my stupid time wasting clicky games, I wouldnt be on there either.
  8. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    So what if we closed the doors and went totally private? No guests, no Google bots, no Adsense, no tracking, no FB, etc.

    There are some large hurdles in moving to something like this.
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I think that would defeat the original intent of the forum, to share information and educate those wanting information. I'm not opposed to the FB concept if we don't, by default, limit the information available to members and guests (except special forums) I think the "share" feature will help disseminate information to a broader audience and acquaint many to our existence.

    Edit - I just reread this and it appears as though I really like the word "information"
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If "No Guests" how would Newbies see what we are about, and decide to Join.... Maybe leave Guests, with a more limited availability...
    AmericanRedoubt1776 likes this.
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I'm here because of a google hit. Chasing information about a gun. Closing off Google would limit newbees coming in like me....of cource, that might be your intent.....:oops:
    AmericanRedoubt1776 likes this.
  12. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    What I gather is unless I use whatever to access the site and don't use FB or other (to me) nefarious social media I'm still protected from the monkeys end. So I can't see how it would impact me one way or another right? In which case have at it in whatever way works best for everyone. Just don't fix it so the people drifting through our community can't stop and look around. I'm guessing I'll trust all the Geeks living here to give a heads up just as you always have. Now more coffee and back to the comics page.
    kellory likes this.
  13. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Why? What would be the point. Are you happy with just us and do not want others to join or are you wanting an invite only type membership?
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Have to agree with RH. Effectively, we already have a private place in the supporter's clubhouse, selective anyway, if not totally isolated. Taking the whole site private, well, gotta agree that takes a world wide resource away from the sheep if they ever wake up. Interesting question, all the same.
  15. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    A think a closed board would quickly become an echo chamber that would, for the most part die out. We aren't trying to be "Alpha Rubicon" or whatever that board was called that required dues (hefty by the way) and was all but invite only.

    Part of what makes this board great is the constant influx of new people, the welcoming atmosphere and the willingness to share...knowledge, friendship, resources, whatever. I'm personally not on FB or Twitter but I do have an account for both "professionally" as an author.

    Even though my trilogy dealt with an end of the world situation, I don't push that on my FB page and have never once pushed it via twitter. Two different parts of my life (although a third grader could tie me to my books and find out a LOT about me, I'm sure).

    It sounds like, from what I'm reading, Melbo is looking for a way to make this site more appealing to the masses by integrating social media like features directly on the site. Not integrating further with FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Pintrest, YouTube or any of the other pre-existing sites or outlets.

    This leads me to wonder what the general population might want that we don't have? We already have chat and instant messages (private messages). We don't put feeds on the side bar but maybe people would like that (we kind of do with most recently created posts but perhaps most "active" threads would be good too?).

    Would it be good to have recent activity on threads you already watch show up on the side-bar? Would it be nice to have the quotes and quips by each user (which is now fairly far down on the right) higher up? Would it be nice to have actual news feeds from a list of sources you could pick from and customize (because you might like CNNFN and I may like MSNMoney for financial news...purely hypothetical) in addition to everything else? Would you like to be able to customize the layout of your page (a la your google home page or whatever it's called)?

    Melbo, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like that's more what you are asking if people would like.

    It was also mentioned to integrate, potentially, some of the existing sites into the Monkey but I don't think that should be the goal and unless I've totally misunderstood melbo, I don't think that is what was being proposed.

    Having those external presences, however, with links BACK to the monkey is, I think, a really REALLY good idea. I personally found the monkey through tapatalk by searching for survival and preparedness. I don't know how long it would have taken me to find this place, if ever, otherwise. Like many though, I don't really want "tighter" integration with the external sites. I will NEVER use the "like" button that triggers Facebook. I will NEVER tie a post to a google+ account/group. I won't re-tweet posts. Those things would even more obviously tie me to the site when many (myself included) are at least trying to be aware of OPSEC, even if we can't practice it to the level we would like.

    It isn't that I don't want to promote the monkey...I do. I have. I will. I'm just kind of particular about who I try to bring into the fold because, well, we've already had that discussion a number of times on a number of other threads.
    Motomom34 and Yard Dart like this.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I get told on a regular basis, that I should have been a teacher. I don't mind assisting new folks, or answering questions, fleshing our an idea, or debating one.
    I think we would have a problem of stagnation, if we closed our doors. Sometimes, when things are slow, I'll throw out something odd or a joke. Just to get a conversation going. And I have noticed others doing the same.
    Part of what I like best about this site, is the willingness to share knowledge, and help others. If we close our doors to new folks, who is there to help? Then we are just preaching to the choir.
    The pool of knowledge in the shade of the monkey tree, is both wide and deep....but who does that help, besides ourselves? Where would newbees come from? How do the sheep wake, if the dream is all they know?
    I like this site as it is, and wish another site I could name worked as well and as smoothly.
    Only improvement I might recommend might be a better search function. This one is pretty good, but could be better.
    AmericanRedoubt1776 likes this.
  17. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I need to stop posting half thoughts :)
    Not like Alpha Rubicon
    Not without an option for new member registration

    I'll work up the model I had in mind and create a new thread.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  18. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Do what I do, preface the statement with the disclaimer "I'm just thinking out loud so don't take anything I say as a decision."
    Motomom34 and melbo like this.
  19. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Team Monkey. ;)
  20. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Good advice
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