Forecaster Comments: A large, Earth-facing solar event occurred on Jan 7, 2014. The effects of this event should reach Earth sometime on the 9th of January. Our short term forecast is not available, so you should watch the Current Aurora Activity panel at the Auroral Forecast website: Aurora Forecast | Geophysical Institute
Hmmm. Best not put on my ten gallon tinfoil hat that day. Might get my brain microwaved, end up looking like a giant Jiffy Pop.
Seriously though, this is an X-1 flare. The Bastille Day event, an X-5 Flare on July 14, 2000, did not wipe out civilization. Just saying.
The only concern with this was that it was so fast moving. Solarham is a great place for info. | Solar Cycle 24 | Space Weather and Amateur Radio Website
Not a FearMonger thing at all... Unless you happen to not have the experience to know what it means..... It is just a warning that Comms on HF may be really funny for a few days... Sometimes Hotter than Heck, and sometimes Nothing at all.... This was posted for the Hams, that are going to try to do some Comms this afternoon and evening, on the PH RoundTable. If you happen to be a Big Aurora Bouncer on Vhf, it is a warning that there will be some very good Aurora Happening for the next 36 -72 hours.... If that scares you, then you need to Educate yourself, on what an X-1 Class Fare pointed in our direction REALLY Means.... ......
I know so many people that are actually wishing that TSHTF so we can just get on with it! It's funny but there seems to be an awareness going on that transcends gender age and all the other crap that usually separates people. Kind of pathetic it take a catastrophe to bring us all togeth!er