Some Republican Politicians are Still Living in the 1930's

Discussion in 'Politics' started by chelloveck, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Gotta love conservative politicians doggedly 'virtue' signaling to their fundie Christian base. :rolleyes:

    MI GOPers Fight Repeal Of Law Against Cohabitating Couples

    Perhaps the MI State legal apparatus should start enforcing that law, starting with Republican politicians who, unmarried, lewdly and lasciviously cohabit actually has the unintended consequence of encouraging gay marriage. Own goal Republicans...showing that they are making them further irrelevant (if that is possible) to the broader American society.

    Perhaps, Michigan can take a leaf out of Florida's legislation, making it legal to cohabit out of wedlock. Living Together Is Now Legal in Florida (Yep, it Was Illegal Before!)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Whisky Tango Foxtrot, ACTUAL???

    Chell, you need to stay out of American Politics and leave that to us 'Muricans, besides, you got your own problems down under to deal with, without bashing ours here!
  3. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    When you live in a remote backwater (pretty much the rest of the world), then what happens in America is BIG news and a hell of a lot more interesting than what is happening locally!
    sasquatch91, Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
  4. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    There is a shit ton of cohabitating couples in FL and no one gives a damn. Seriously this is just bull shit click bait. Note it has been that way for years (before 2000) as well. WTF?
    Ura-Ki and Dunerunner like this.
  5. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    ...... you don't say...... ;) Gotta tell you, that is a very narrow world perspective.
    VisuTrac and chelloveck like this.
  6. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Yea , there is some dumb laws on the books ,, but the Dems are trying to put even dumber laws on the books like ,,, grooming kids in schools and bars with drag shows , kids aren't allowed in bars , unless they're being groomed ,,,,,, schools can help your kid go thru gender transitioning in school without parents consent ,,, kids cant vote, own guns, drink, etc,, till they're 18 or 21 ,, but they can be groomed and encouraged by groomers to take drugs that alters their body to prepare for gender mutilation ,, before they're able to vote . They want to make it legal to have sex with kids ,,,,, and there's even more stupidity coming from your side. Unless of course ,, you applaud and condone this kind of pedophile crap ,,, let's hear ya condem something like these disgusting things that are coming from your almighty righteous disgusting left leanin' assholes.

    I'm assuming this is ok in your mind Chello ,, I know you're an intelligent man ,, maybe book smart at least ,, but if you're ok with this kind of crap ,, then your book smarts is far higher than your morality .
    Gator 45/70 and mysterymet like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Blow jobs are illegal in Michigan as well.
    Gator 45/70 and Minuteman like this.
  8. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    I hold the R’s and the D’s at about the same level as a sewer line. As mentioned above though, public schools interfering with one’s child development is worse than criminal in my opinion. When they’re of age they can pursue any lifestyle that makes them happy as far as I’m concerned. This other nonsense is nothing short of grooming straight up. (I might of veered off-topic a bit Chellovek, oops.) Lutheran school is where my grandson is headed and guess what, I haven’t been to my Lutheran church since the 80’s and my kids have never attended.
    This is how sick sick public schools are these days.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Yes, I get that "mind your own parochial business" critique from time to time when I point out some of the absurdities of American conservatism (even though more often than not, Republican politicians are not actually conservatives, but are in fact extremist culture wars reactionaries).

    It's not as if the contrary Republicans actually care about the issue, because the bill will pass comfortably without their votes, what they do care about is pandering to their MAGA fundie religious base, doing some performative 'family values' harrumphing so that they will better survive re-election in GOP primaries, and hoping that the general electorate will forget their dickish behaviour. Come time for the their district's constituents decide whether they should be voting for a progressive candidate, or an antediluvian reactionary candidate.
    Love your ability to red herring the discussion away from the topic, by Gish Galloping a bunch of whataboutism culture wars topics that have no direct relevancy to the GOP politicians who objected to the repeal of an almost century old zombie law that has not been prosecuted for many decades...I did find 1 case where the offence was prosecuted, in 1862,
    (Delany v. People, 10 Mich. 241 (1862) May 27, 1862 · Michigan Supreme Court, which was dismissed on a procedural technicality, lol.

    Since when had I become a member of the Democratic Party??

    I'd be interested in hearing your apologia of the GOP politicians who voted against repealing the Michigan State lewd and lascivious cohabitation laws. Apparently only married couples are entitled to pursue life, liberty and happiness by cohabiting together (polygamy is still proscribed tho ;) )
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
    Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  10. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Every state in the US has some strange and outdated laws that are still on the books. I cohabitated before marriage in FL back in the 90’s and I can assure you the law was NOT beating down our door to arrest us even though we were both on the apartment lease and did nothing to hide the fact that we were “living in sin”. We did end up getting married and are still married all these years later.
  11. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Well ,,, as far as being a Red Herring ,, I wasn't trying to be that ,, sometimes my mind works faster than I can type ,, and things may not come out as planned .
    But ,, do you think them democraps aren't harrumphing to their base as well ,, wether you're a democrat or not ,, I do not know ,, but your blatant disgust for republicans ,, and lack of disgust for our democrats views ,, kinda puts yourself in that category. But noticed you didn't condemn any of the pedophile agendas of the left either .
    But I've noticed ,, that when these democraps start harrumphing their base against the repubs ,, and putting forth some new legislation that they can spin to make it sound like the repubs are against some common sense law ,, then look at the law the democraps are trying to push ,, becauae theres an angle to obliterate 1 law ,, to leave a loophole for an even worse scenario to be enacted .

    If you're not a republican ,, or a democrap ,, then what do you consider yourself ?? But ,, why have you not condemned the democraps pedo leaning views ??
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well out here we do not divide on Republican/Democrat lines. Liberal/Labor would be the closest analogy I guess, but here neither are generally quite as far at either end of the divide as in the US. We have small parties for that, One Nation to the right and The Greens to the left. A few more are also in the mix. Shooters/Fishers/Farmers Party are an example.
  13. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Used to be that being a “Shooter” or “Fisher” in this country didn’t mean that you had to vote a certain way. Both political parties had outdoorsmen and women. I suspect that is no longer true.
    Gator 45/70 and SB21 like this.
  14. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    And that could be the difference in our,, Chello's views , and mine/ours . While I do not agree with our democrats views ,, I do allow them to justify their views ,, but most seem to go against our history's common sense and morality beliefs .
    I am not attacking Chello ,, just trying to understand where he stands with his views ,, when they are mostly so far different than my/our own ,,, when he won't talk against the views of our democrats ,, that mostly go against the morals of generations of our country .

    As I do not know of your country's political parties , or their views ,, I am not injecting myself into your politics ,, he is injecting hisself into our politics . But ,, if he feels he is obliged to dissect our politics and views ,, then I feel I'm free to get his clarification on his belief's of our politics .

    And I mean no disrespect to anyone ,, I'm just trying to get clarification on his views of our politics ,,, since he was the one that called us out for our beliefs .

    I will leave this where we are at this point ,,I'm not trying to argue , or have any back and forth arguments ,, I will step out here .
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  15. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    As we should all be aware now Our Chello makes these threads and posts as he enjoys being the contrarian and for the reactions they generate from more than the majority of the members here. It is, to his detriment, a simple form of entertainment for himself. I have said it before, the man is no fool and be prepared to support your arguments if you engage with him (you’re a poopy pants will not suffice).
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
    Gator 45/70, SB21 and chelloveck like this.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    and cunninglingualism is similarly proscribed, provided that it is not consensual, (minors can't consent), it was incestuous, and / or was performed as an act of public lewdness. Just close your curtains, draw the blinds, and if having sibling sex, just keep stum about it. :eek:
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Hell our parents carried our lil asses in bars when we were 5/6 years old, could barley see over the edge of the pool table in order to hit the ball. Pinball? loved it
    No-one said jack
    SB21 likes this.
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