Statement by the President

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by kckndrgn, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. UrbanFool

    UrbanFool The Village Idiot

    Then there are more than one. Because the one I watched looked like he was addressing muslims, and looked straight into the camera and said I. am. a. muslim. and got a huge cheer out of the crowd.
  2. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    HUH...Should we expect terrorist training camps opening all over US?...And Sheria law?
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim (some taken out of context, but the rest is pretty self explanatory)

    YouTube - Re: Obama Admits Muslim Faith

    YouTube - Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag

    YouTube - Michelle Obama admits Kenya is Barack Obama's Home Country .wmv

    YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

    YouTube - Fall of the Republic HQ full length version

    I'm not religious, but I could listen to this guy preach for a little while:
    YouTube - Damn Barack Hussein Obama

    The preacher in the above video doesn't have all his facts straight, but he does have some things right. Anyway...

    YouTube - Barack Obama - Born in Kenya II

    YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya

    YouTube - Barry Soetoro the muslim

    There are literally THOUSANDS of false videos on the web, with "Rick-Rolling" and stupid fools posting their own cuts and clips out of context, that it becomes nearly impossible to sift through the chaff to find accurate videos. I now have a massive headache. The bottom line is this: any person who expects the "President" to be a patriot and supporter of liberty is delusional. The rest is pretty simple.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    This forum is acting stupid.
  5. OzarkSaints

    OzarkSaints Monkey++

    "Terror is not the true face of Islam. Islam is a religion of peace"

    George W. speech a few days after 9-11

    regardless of apparent rampant selective remembering and lack of cross Presidential comparitive analogy, I stand, un-swayed, alongside the founding principles of this once great nation and I stand by the 1st Amendment and the Founding Fathers and therefore completely support the right of American citizens to have their houses of worship inside their personal privately owned property.


    I think it must take a great lack of objective thinking fueled by emotion for one to stand and say that they are a strong supporter of the founding principles of this nation (of which only a self blinded fool would deny that religious freedom was one of those principles) and the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights and at the same time say that American citizens should be denied religous freedom and private property rights.

    At the end of the day, there just ain't an ounce of piss of a difference between these 2 statements:

    "I believe in the 1st Amendment and fully support it....but just not in THIS case..."

    "I believe in the 2nd Amendment and fully support it....but just not for THESE guns..."
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Presidents are politicians - they ALL lie to us. BUT..... The Kenyan lies on a far lower level than any before, and makes it SO very easy to hate and distrust him.....

    Did y'all know his father served in WWII and got the services due him for that service......?

    YouTube - Obama says his father served in World War II

    From an E-mail I received (yeah, yeah, I know.......)

    Subject: President's Father Served in WW II?

    Whether you are for him or against him, this is worth noting.
    It is not conjecture nor propaganda. It is in his own words in the

    Does he even know the difference between truth and fabrication?

    Now Barack's father served in WW ll...

    It must be true as Barack said it in a speech!
    Is he a compulsive liar? Were there no reporters who double
    checked these statements and called the party on this?
    They did for everyone else. Why not him?

    Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama's father)
    Born 4/4/36
    Died 11/24/82 at the age of 46
    He was 5 years old when WW 2 started, and less than 9.5 years old
    when it ended.

    Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father)
    Born 1935
    Died 3/2/87 at the age of 52
    He was 6 years old when WW 2 started, and 10 years old when it

    One of these guys must have been the youngest Veteran in the war.

    Which begs the question - is ANYTHING he has ever said the truth? [dunno]
    Heck, maybe the nasty old "Right-wing Paid Pundits" just took it all out of context, and the video is cobbled and spliced together of unrelated snippets........ :rolleyes:
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Maybe Mr. President Obamie meant his good olde grand pappie?
    and the next chorus...
    swing low sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home.....
  8. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    b:: [beer]
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That video does nothing except raise more questions, Tac. I really hate that, lol. It would be nice to just get some HARD EVIDENCE once in a while. I am not saying there is a doubt about Barry being a hired puppet --I am just saying it would be SWEET to have the good stuff to bring the basta- guy down.
  11. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Now, how funny it would be if US is looking for BinL4den, and he's sitting in the House of White...hehehe...put a beard and a turban on BO, and...likeness is stunning... :D

  12. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Nah, BL was taller and supposedly needs dialysis for a medical condition. BO is just suffering diahrea of the mouth, and constipation of thought....... :rolleyes:

    Now philosophically - you got a point! [own2]
  13. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    b::b:: [beer]
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