Sounds like me trying to play a saxophone....I can produce all those sounds on my synthesizers and scare the tinfoil right off everybody for miles around Mobile!
If there was it would just be to prep your sub-c for what is to come... So you could say to yourself..."It's just like in that movie..."
It sounds like there is a train running in the background part of it sounds like a distorted train whistle. The other sound, I've heard similar sounds comming from train wheels that are in need of grease. Maybe the earth's axis needs greased.
I think first of all before making too many comments that the veracity of the videos be proven. It does sound like a viral hoax but it could be real. I'm not making any claims at all but in the Bible it talks of signs and wonders in the heavens and upon the earth for the last days. Many believe we are at that juncture in time. It also says to be vigilant.
If the sounds are not a hoax it could be a lot of things. I am writing off the trumpets of Gabrial because I am sure those will be sweet and in perfect tune with sweeping beauty and more power ushering in the Lord. These sounds are more more a tortured Saw blade being dragged over a huge bolder. Loud enough it would be really irritating.
Straight on! Don't be fooled by the coming imposter, the Lord's return will be far more glorious and occur in the manner as described in Revelations. Read, re-read, and remember Luke 21:8 As for the mysterious sounds, I don't know if it is a hoax or not, I've seen one of the videos (somewhere in Russia) of the sounds shortly after it first happened. I did not know of all the other occurrences all over the world, and in such numbers. The only thing I can tie it in with would be phenomena like what occurred over Norway in 2009 and later documented to occur in Thailand and Australia. Russian rocket in Thailand and Australia also? Surly you jest, or that's a really badly designed rocket on their part.
All matter is held together by resonant harmonics. Bringing down walls can be done with a tone. All our atoms are arranged by the universal tone. When God stops singing....we'll all fall apart.
Apparently you do not understand Quantom Physics, and String Theory.. But must rely on Neutonia Physics for your theories....
Never claimed you actually ate it. Just that you may have studied there. it's a working theory, but it seems to fit.
Yes sir Mr Reagan... I wish we had a false flag alien threat to unite us under 1 word government. Oh do please call me a "conspiracy theorist"....all i will here is "Baaaahma....Baaahma"