Stupid Fucking Cop-speak

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Where do cops get this stupid cop-speak? K-9? it's a dog...canine. The individual, the perp, the subject, not a man, boy, or woman....comply? Command? LEO? We were much safer when "Policemen" wore Policemen uniforms and were members of the community, neighbors, friends and not LEOS. When they knocked on your door instead of knocking down your door.
    Alpha Dog, STANGF150, Brokor and 2 others like this.
  2. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    K-9 is really an abbreviation for any breed of "profesional working dog",but the military and police have also used the term to label dog handling units.As just about everything in the military is abbreviated it tends to roll downhill to the LE in one form or another. But I don't agree with the military attitude embedded within out local community law enforcement one bit. Your correct..they shouldn't try and distance themselves from the community they serve.
    My puppy dawg dont like to be called kay nine
  3. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    He looks like he likes to be called for dinner. How old is he?

    Improvise, Adapt, Modify, and Overcome. FTM/PTB
  4. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    1 1/2 human yrs. He isnt allowed to eat people food,but we give him almonds(his fave) for command awards.I had one in my hand at the time of the pic,,thats why he has a scoobie doo look on his
    Brokor likes this.
  5. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Nice PUP .

    Just this year , 3 of my paw buddy's have been put down. Old age and sickness .. My own 17 yo pound lab is having senior moments .
    I know I'll hurt , but It's my wife's bestest since she's the food lady. It's going to be the wife thats going to have the hardest time.

    They are great , even the ones who bark at me.

    As with the COPS , they are brain washed to be US against them attitude.
    Here we have a deer and cop problem , and a cull is in order.
    They had respect (cops) till around y2k , then they slid & haven't stopped.

    When kids were told If your ever in trouble , find a "Bobby/LEO/Cop" ,Nada NOW !!
    They are not trusted anymore , in many areas.

    I don't talk to them , and the last dude just today , asked me why I was driving somewhere !! I didn't answer , and asked if he needed to see "MY PAPERS" .. A$$Hat , was pulled over Rural Road looking at a map. I was buying food storage buckets from a cheese manufacturing plant. You open your mouth as in why , then your licence / info gets a "Horder" .

    Untrustworthy in the polls also .
  6. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    The system wants "crazy" thugs for LEO's

    This is why they are being militarized, why they call citizens "civilians", they are being given the mindset that they are soldiers and we must therefore be the enemy.
    Brokor and oldawg like this.
  7. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    And to those particular kinds of LEO's........WE ARE!!!

    It IS us vs. them and as soon as they are feeling froggy, I encourage them to jump. In fact, I DARE THEM!
  8. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Need I remind anyone of the Nazis? There was a standing army in Germany, then the SS came in and took control. The SS were the LEO and soldiers were mere puppets on the strings. See where I'm going with this?
    Brokor likes this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That is a beautiful dog, Warscent. [camo]

    You guys ever look up the term "Permit"? It might give you new perspective. And I am not talking about Webster's definition. Blacks. As in Blacks Law Dictionary. Follow that with Inalienable, Inalienable Rights and the twist on Sovereign and Sovereignty.

    Permit: "In general, any document which grants a person the right to do something. A license or grant of authority to do a thing. A written license or warrant, issued by a person in authority, empowering the grantee to do some act not forbidden by law, but not allowable without such authority. See also Building permit; Certificate; License; Special use permit."

    Inalienable: "The characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person to another..."

    Inalienable Rights: "Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights; e.g., freedom of speech or religion, due process, and equal protection of the laws. See Bill of Rights." [And the Right to Bear Arms?] -added by me.

    Sovereign: "A person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme power; a king or other ruler in a monarchy. See also Sovereignty."

    Sovereignty: "The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which any independent state is governed; supreme political authority; the supreme will; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state; also a political society, or state, which is sovereign and independent. The power to do everything in a state without accountability, --to make laws, to execute and apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy contributions, to make war or peace, to form treaties of alliance or of commerce with foreign nations, and the like."

    Me thinks there may be a confusion between "sovereign people" and "sovereignty", because the government (the state) came after We, the People established the Constitution. And it is the People who are sovereign, not the political "authority". Let's see what sovereign people looks like to Black's Law...

    Sovereign People: "The political body, consisting of the entire number of citizens and qualified electors, who, in their collective capacity, possess the powers of sovereignty and exercise them through their chosen representatives."

    WHOA! Wait a cotton-picking minute. We are a political body? The only method to exercise sovereignty is through "chosen representatives"? I bet there must be a term to define what a political body can do --and it's called "Political Rights". Perfect.

    Political Rights: "Those which may be exercised in the formation or administration of the government. Rights of citizens established or recognized by constitutions which give them the power to participate directly or indirectly in the establishment or administration of government."

    -Black's Law Dictionary, Abridged 6th Edition

    Interesting. And now the tight knot is forming in the pit of my stomach. Apparently, to the lawyers who operate under Admiralty Law, our Constitution is the same as any other and it "gives" us "the power to participate". All this time I was under the assumption our Constitution was a limiting document for Government, not We the People. I was informed that the Tenth Amendment secures the idea that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

    And so, if sovereignty can be confined to being political, and if the definitions of such were only relative to being exercised through chosen representatives, what does that leave us with? Are the people truly sovereign, and do they possess inalienable rights according to our legal system? And, if so --why are we forced, under duress, to apply for and obtain permits, licenses, and certificates? Are you following me?

    It all happened, one dark and dismal night: March 6, 1933. Then, the newly elected President, FDR, made his first act --to declare a national emergency, enact the War Powers Act, proclaim himself a dictator and receive support from Congress (Title 12, USCA Section 95(b)). Then, he re-introduced the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, word for word, with ONE key exception: to include every citizen right along with the enemies to be licensed, regulated and punished.

    Now you know...the rest of the story.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I got into a really bad mood when I responded to a former school-mate that works for my little sister on the Jackson, TN police dept. She was defending the use of police dogs and I find it cruel and sadistic to have laws that will put you in jail for kicking a dog that tries to bite you but lets our police sic vicious dogs on people? Some A-hole cop told me that I should engage my limited brain before offering my opinion, that if my little bit of brains were beaten by a "Perp" that escaped into the woods, that dog would be a hero and I told him that I wouldn't even sic a dog on a rude asshole like him unless it were in defense of life. I wonder what the Jews in 1930s Germany thought about police dogs? I own a very sweet, well trained and extremely protective guard dog, she is my very best friend. I would never consider sending her after a person any more than I would shoot someone that no-longer represented an immediate threat, although I am sure she wouldn't mind and probably would even enjoy the snack.
    bfayer likes this.
  11. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    Good day Brokor, good DAY!
  12. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    All I can say is for the most part it's true when it comes to the newer guy it is the us against them mind set. Which Im not making any excuses but alot of this mentality comes with how and where a new L.E.O. comes from and how he was raised. When I first started I loved my job and still today love what I do but I see my form of L.E.O. as a dieing breed and that hurts. When I started if you had a man who was raising hell and refused what you ask of him and wanted to fight you gave him what he ask for and took him to jail. Now for a 10min fight these new guy's will stack 20 chargs on the guy then next time they deal with him 15 L.E.O.'s show up looking like ninja's. To me unless this guy is a serial killer with a hord of weapons it would shame me to show up with 15 or 20 L.E.O.'s to arrrest one man and in this area you would lose the respect from your community as being scared to do the job. I also agree with TMH post if you step back and look the goverment is trying to pull all Law Enforcement under their control that is why you see all the joint training. Plus look at when a L.E.O. get into some B/S you hardly ever see an Officer charged on state level anymore. The Feds have been trying more and more cases outside of their jurisdiction for the past several years.

    As for K-9's I have they have a place in Law Enforcement and are needed I think alot of Depts go over board on it but just my opinon. Another thing I have met alot of K-9's that are 5 times smarter than the handler and It should be the L.E.O. on the other end of the leash.

    Warsent that is a pretty Shepard

    This is my protector some times I think it's the other way around but he's my best friend and as you can tell he eats people food (lol)
    wrc223 likes this.
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Hey Sea I have never handled K-9's but have been around when they have been used and honestly it's funny to see a six foot crackhead running through a field and then get hit by a 80lb train. The words they can come up with whole new language and the wierd thing is you can understand exactly what they are saying. I have never spoken in alien crackhead but a dog makes a good translater.(LOL)

    Don't get mad me just poken a little fun at you.. I agree sometimes or alot of time a dog is used when a officer could have done the job.
  14. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Dogs are great resources but the idiots that indiscriminately use them against people are the ones I have problems with. I see riot control Gestapo with dogs now and I know they will use them against people that sometimes are just exercising their right to protest. Alpha, you are the type of policeman that our communities need and I have the greatest respect for those few of you that truly are dedicated to "Protecting and Serving" their community. It is the "Military wannabe" mindset where I start to have problems with "Law Enforcement" especially since a great many of the laws being enforced are just things that some special interest group need for a feel-good.
    bountyhunter, Alpha Dog and BTPost like this.
  15. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    The saddest part to me will be when the Gestapo sics dogs on people and the people defend themselves and shoot the dogs. Not talking crackheads or such, just thinking that when the smurfs come a callin' they may well have dogs with them. You gonna stand by and let a dog chew on you or shoot it? Go to sleep doggy. As far as animals are concerned, I think they make better people than a lot of the people I have met. I love the fact that a dog will go out of his/her way to protect you, and I absolutely hate those that see them as just another tool to be used.
    Alpha Dog, TwoCrows and Seacowboys like this.
  16. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Alpha, to say I have a great deal of respect for you would be an understatement. You seem to be very much in line with our local LEO's in your mindset. Our County boys and the local PD's are the BEST!! Common sense and level headded approach to every call they respond to. They respect the people and the people respect them. A few of the local Troopers are the same.
    Where we (people in this area) run into trouble is dealing with the transplant troopers (originally from other areas) or the local PD in the City to the North of us. They all act like they are commandos or some crap. They dress in tactical attire to perform their day to day duties and are at 100% attitude before you even speak to them. Sorry but I can not comprehend why an officer needs to dress in full BDU's complete with all the tactical gear to perform highway patrol duties.
    Alpha Dog and TailorMadeHell like this.
  17. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I agree about the BDU deal the only time I let our guys wear them is if we are doing something messy like traffic control in a storm, Flood detail or searching the woods and fields for dope or evidence and thats because our uniforms are around $175.00 a set. With that being said there is a uniformed L.E.O. at all times on scene to talk with the public and answer questions, or if we are going to a house for a warrant a uniform always makes first contact, So that way the people know it is us and not a pack of thieves. I am a firm believer that a lot of times things would go better for L.E.O.'s being in uniforms. In my opinion uniforms for the most part demands respect from people and when you look most of the people were taught to respect them growing up. BDU's seem to intimidate people and the last place Im going to be intimidated is in my home by some 20year old kid who wants to play LAPD S.W.A.T. because he thinks he looks cool. Even if we do a Fugitive Warant a uniformed L.E.O. makes first contact unless the suspect is armed and dangerous to us or the citizens.
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