Survivalmonkey doesn't have anything to do with this other than she's the Grand Daughter of a good friend of mine who happens to be a well known member here. Please take a look and at least pass this on if you aren't able to donate. There is also a tab called 'Hugs' where you can give encouragement. Paypal addy: Thanks
Wouldn't it be just fine, if all our Monkeys would register as Bone Marrow Transplant Donors... all it takes is a simple Blood Draw.... and if you ever get a match, for one of these Bone Marrow Transplants, for a kid with Leukemia, the procedure is now just the same as giving a couple of pints of blood at the Blood Bank. ...... The Blood you give, can save a kids life.....
I know a guy who had open-heart surgery and lots of chemo as a kid. He's in his late 20's now, 100% healthy and strong. Take comfort in knowing that kids are resilient, and much tougher than we tend to give them credit for. And of course, never underestimate the importance of the support that only family and friends can provide.
I know...I don't do internet transaction's...I however WILL mail a check...I roll old school when it come's to my coin...