Energy Suggestions for going off the Grid in a city

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by Sunshine108, May 8, 2016.

  1. Sunshine108

    Sunshine108 Monkey

    This is our situation: we are looking into how we can go off the local ultility company. We have 2 story buildings and in the near future, we are looking into upgrading the roofs which are not flat. I have looked into Tiny houses and have seen on-demand water heaters, so any suggestions there? Looking into some other form of refrigerator, that isn't using local ulitities, other forms of providing light and energy for stove and computers.
    I have a patio, in front of my apartment, that gets Southern exposure and a lot of sun: so are there any kind of solar systems, that can be placed on the ground, to gather electricity? I don't think, putting any solar units on roofs, that will need to be upgraded sometime in the future, would be an answer for us at this time.
    Any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
    chelloveck likes this.
  2. Sunshine108

    Sunshine108 Monkey

    Ok, to summarize:
    get yourself a "Killawatt" meter
    P3 International Kill A Watt EZ Meter-P4460 - The Home Depot
    one of several sources. Consider Amazon also, SM gets a nibble of all sales made via the site.
    Find out what each appliance energy or wattage is?
    then we can go from here?

    Just to through out, some numbers: My electricity bill ranges about $25 to $30 a month, so about $1 dollar a day (240 KWh a month or less). I have an energy efficient Computer, then an energy efficient battery: to protect from spikes. The stove is electric and I never turn the fan on in summer and in winter, just turn on the electric heat (thermostat to 50-55) on for about 1 hour in AM and PM (on very cold days), just to take the chill off. It is surprising how turning on the heat to 50, really doesn't raise my electric bill. Some of the other members, are energy hogs, so it would be good for them, to try using less energy and it might come to that in the near future.
    Any other quick fixes, knowing a little more about our situation?
    We are in New Mexico and we have seasons, ranging from 80+ degrees in summer and rarely gets below 25 degrees in winter. If it snows, it is just for a day and then it melts away.
    We are looking into our alternatives regarding getting off the local electric power supplier.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
    chelloveck likes this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I suspect you are on a "Fools Errand". Have you, Ever contemplated, the amount of Electric Energy you will need to replace, with much more expensive Alternative Energy Sources.... The Grid is up to 10X less expensive that just about any other its VERY BEST Situations Solar takes between 5 & 10 Years to get Investment the Breakeven point...
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    OK, now you know your own demands in aggregate from your bill. Now you need to know your peak load, AND all the other member's peaks and averages. Once all that is in hand, you can build a spread sheet and graphs to show how the load is spread over the day. Then, look at the seasonal changes (more demand in the summer due to a/c) and adjust the curves. With all that in hand, you can get to estimating the amount of "green" power generation you need to look at. Then comes the fun part, running the cost estimates for buying, installing, operating and maintenance. After that, you have to "sell" the members on the capital expenses and how to allocate the generated power among the participating members. Good luck with that last.

    You look to be an exceptionally economic user of watts. Others might not be so frugal --
    chelloveck likes this.
  5. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Last edited: May 10, 2016
    chelloveck likes this.
  6. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    Yes, 7 years for me, and you have the upfront costs so you're losing out on your interest dollars, which for me is around 5% now.

  7. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    welcome to the forum and there a lot of good people on the forum here to help with your ideas
  8. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Big FAIL , Apartments & multi folks who use way to much & don't GAF .
    Cable Dream !! Sorry .
    4th one today !!
    Im grid-tied & off also .
    I do have showers every day , Your dream of Off grid for an Apartment is lots of condemned stinky folks . .
    Learn "Wall warts " LED over Plasma TV's , You have a huge learning curve & like I say Im Grid-tie at 2-8 KW /month with more toys ya can feed.

    Sorry , but true
    Ganado and chelloveck like this.
  9. Sunshine108

    Sunshine108 Monkey

    Thank you all for your input, you have probably saved me a lot of time and expense.
    Thank you all again, really appreciate it.
    It was a reality moment.
    Rachel :)
    Cruisin Sloth, Ganado and chelloveck like this.
  10. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    MS R
    I know ,
    It knocked the crap out of me also .
    BUT !!!
    RE is a cost one bears , while the grid is cost spread all over .
    One can-NOT absorb , but to build on.
    Think outhouse to toilet to bidet / your outhouse money while bidet is what all use.

    OK , But true !

    No lies
  11. Sunshine108

    Sunshine108 Monkey

    Thank Sloth,
    I have been learning a lot about the grid, smart phones etc. I am leaning more and more, to maybe getting some little bit of land and just go off the grid or find a community. Just being open, to different possibilities.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  12. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    It will take time , to learn POWER , buy a Kill-a-watt for under 20 bucks & see who uses WHAT ! or WATT !!
    Ms R , You will learn from the start , ground level , after that , & you'll know what is sucking power (DO-NOT bypass wall warts )
    Then you will see the power consumption & know in your mind quick calculations +.

    Ganado likes this.
  13. voyaginator

    voyaginator Monkey

    I totally agree with you regarding GMO. Regarding solar power, I have seen companies such as Solar City work successfully with the Co-op management or homeowner associations, and offer a substantial reduction in energy bills .
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