Survey CoP n Sheriffs says...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Survey: 76% of Police Chiefs Say Armed Citizens ‘REDUCE’ Violent Crime
    By Eric at the Gunmart Blog on July 14, 2016

    July 13, 2016
    Craig Bannister
    Posted with permission from MRC TV


    While liberals call for more gun control to stop violence, three-fourths (76%) of the nation’s police chiefs and sheriffs say armed citizens actually “reduce violent criminal activity,” the 28th Annual Survey by the National Association of Chiefs of Police shows.

    Asked, “Can qualified, law-abiding armed citizens help law enforcement reduce violent criminal activity?” while under one in five disagreed:

    Yes: 76.0%

    No: 18.6%

    N/A: 5.4%

    Fully 87.9% say “any vetted citizen” should “be able to purchase a firearm for sport or self-defense,” while only 8.9% said “No” and 3.2% replied “N/A.”

    What’s more, nearly one in five (18.0%) police departments actually help put guns in the hands of Americans by selling the firearms they confiscate.

    U.S. police departments also overwhelming “support nationwide recognition of state issued concealed weapon permits":

    Yes: 86.4%

    No: 10.6%

    N/A: 2.9%

    Meanwhile, headlines reveal how Pres. Obama has repeatedly used tragic mass murders to promote tighter gun control – as in the case of last week’s shooting in Dallas that left five police officers dead:

    Ironically, gun sales actually surged after Obama called for more gun control following the San Bernardino mass shooting, prompting a CNN Wire story to dub him “the greatest gun salesman in America.”

    See full results from the survey below:


    While liberals call for more gun control to stop violence, three-fourths of the nation’s police chiefs and sheriffs say armed citizens actually “reduce violent criminal activity."


    Survey: 76% of Police Chiefs Say Armed Citizens 'REDUCE' Violent Crime - Gunmart Blog
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Surprise, surprise...

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