Survival medicine in present system

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by duane, Aug 18, 2021.

  1. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    About 6 months ago I started to have bladder problems, went to clinic and nurse practitioner went thru motions and said I had an infection and proscribed medicine, a month later and no better, late May, and was scheduled for a visual check of bladder in early August. Two weeks later no better, I went to emergency room, urgent care, and screamed at my primary care Dr. To get me off their backs, I have Medicare and a very good Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan, they scheduled me for an "emergency" look at my bladder in Dr's office at 5 pm, after hours in June and he found that there was a problem with my bladder. They scheduled explority surgery for late June, less than a week later and found out I did in fact have cancer, did what he could, and kicked it up to the main clinic and one of top bladder cancer people in state of New Hampshire. On August 4 th, before I was supposed to see the first Dr, the surgeon did surgery, removed what he could, and set me up for chemo and radiation. While it is stage 2, not good, it is a lot better than stage 4 with about 1chance in 20 of making 5 years.

    Now if as a good little sheep I had waited my "turn", would the cancer grown enough to go to stage 4, I will never know, but I thank the Lord for the about 3 months earlier treatment and can't help but think it may have at least helped. The second thing I found out that as far as the state of New Hampshire, there are less than a dozen bladder cancer "experts" and that they are located at the regional centers. You can receive excellent care at the local hospitals and clinics from the teams of doctors that they have and with the equipment that they have, but the local hospitals have neither the depth of staff or the specialized experts that the regional centers have. The Dr in charge of my case does only bladder cancer and teaches at the medical school as well as doing research in the field and directing others in their research. Short story, now have 3 out of 4 chance of making 5 years.

    Given the nature of our present system, money supplied by government and insurance companies, to clinics and hospitals that employ the doctors and others, you as a patient are just a commodity and their first goal is to limit the different groups costs with only public opinion and the threat of law suits giving you any protection at all. If you are elderly, a veteran, or have Medicare, you will have to fight for appropriate care, if you are younger and have no insurance, it may in fact be rationed and you will not get it.

    Not in favor of socialized medicine, but think some of the 2 trillion spent on Iraq and Afghanistan might have been used for medical care in the US for those that are at present not covered. So far our attempts to make it better have only lead to higher costs for all and more profits to the system, YMMV.
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I just ordered some MMS.
    It is supposed to be a very serious cure-all, even for coved19.
    Big pharma can't stop it. though they bad mouth it a lot. the results seem to be undeniably positive.
    I just learned about it yesterday watching Bit Chute, which the democrats hate as well.
    Gator 45/70 and duane like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    As most of the folks here know, I friggin hate the medical care in this country and I do mean HATE! The cost is so severe that I consider it pure blackmail. When I first got back stateside (~6 years ago now), I purchased some medicine in Canada, only 2.5 hours away by car, that was 5X cheaper - same medicine by same drug manufacture even sold by the same pharmacy (Walmart). This was my first run-in with 'America's great health care system' which is nothing more than legalized extortion. Later, I found this was not only accepted but defended by many Americans as they had bought into all the BS propaganda put out by big Pharma, the AMA, and all those corporate hospitals.

    Medical care in this country is nothing more than a business in which they milk the American citizen for as much as they can. Why? Because they can and it is completely legal. Hell, I buy antibiotics and most other medications across the counter in many countries for so much less that you would (and have) call me a liar.

    Now, please tell me all the horror stories of the Canadian system and/or how it would be better if we could get competition into the medical insurance and even medical care arena, all the BS that has no bearing and never will because they will NOT let it happen - EVER. Furthermore, the Canadian system isn't perfect, far from it; however, it's medications are much more reasonably priced - that is a reality, that's a fact and not some BS propaganda or wishful thinking.

    One last my wife has no medical insurance and goes to our doctor who doesn't care what the cost of the medication because that's not her job. Okay. I get it. At the Pharmacy the medicine is something crazy for 30 tablets, like $500, but the Pharmacist tells me, "you can get the same thing, much less expensive, by taking two pills instead of this one" to the tune of a total of ~$35. I hit the roof, called my doctor and she said yes that was true and apologized and changed the prescription.

    Yeah, medical blackmail... Should I or my wife ever become seriously ill, I assure you we will be on a plane to a different country for treatment where, for better or worse, we at least won't have to face bankruptcy at the same time.

    There...I had my rant about it and feel much better...but of course it changes nothing.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Bless you Duane, Keep fighting the good fight !
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Hmm...I wonder how much medical care a trillion $$$ dollars that we spent in Afghanistan would have bought Americans back home...but, that is more unproductive, wishful thinking and, besides, then the Defense Industry wouldn't get its fair share from the piggy banks...errr, I mean the tax payers.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I make and have been using colloidal silver for years and teach others how as well. Recently I learned about ivermectin and it's overcoming the coronavirus, and just the other day I learned about MMS and its potential.
    The best anyone is going to do is learn how to do these things for ourselves and leave those that believe in the medical industry to their own devices.
    I have for years tried to bring reason concerning these capabilities and very few listen, there is nothing I can do about it. It is unlikely that anyone can remove the Pfizer or Maderna or J&J or other so-called vaccines to counteract the consequences, so sadly we must count them lost.
    My brother fell victim to his doctor's recommendations and got the jab but his kids are holding off for now.
    I think it was a big mistake to allow the companies to go forward selling the product with no liability, and virtually the license to kill.
    Minuteman and Capt. Tyree like this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Arleigh, that is twice you have mentioned 'MMS' without saying what it is... Please, for those of us in the dark, what is it?
  8. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    SodiumHypoChlorite - aka household bleach. As recommended by DJT the idjit ;)

    COVID-19 Scams - ABC update on MMSAustralia
    Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
    Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
    Federal Court restrains MMS Australia from advertising and supplying MMS and DMSO
    TGA initiates court proceedings against MMS Australia and director Charles Barton for alleged unlawful advertising

    For true believers...they may wish to consider infusing the solution rectally...colonic irrigation at least will have the benefit of sanitising the poop chute. ;) [sarc1]
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
    duane and Gator 45/70 like this.
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Is that what you use to bleach you're long locks of hair, Diluted of coarse
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    There is much confusion out there about whether this product is the same as regular chlorine. Aside from sharing a chlorine atom - this is about where the similarities end!

    Master Mineral Solution, MMS or WPS Solution - Why has this Product Become so Popular?

    It is commonly used in municipal water systems around the world. And in food production to kill bacteria.
    So you have been drinking and eating it all your life.

    Again. Any serious prepper needs to be aware of all alternative resources out there.

    Only idjits believed that DJT was recommending drinking household bleach. And FYI, there are many medical studies looking at using ultraviolet light, inside the body, to kill bacteria and viruses. Just as they sterilize surgery rooms and instruments with it.
    duane likes this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Idiot: a person of low intelligence.
    Right...President Trump is an idiot...hmm... I don't think a person that made himself a billionaire and became the President of the United States fits the definition of 'idiot'; however, one that purposely misinterprets someone/something in order to slander another person - well - their honesty can't be counted on nor their intelligence to know the difference. It's like these teachers insisting on teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its slanted/warped version of history. Hmm... Chelloveck, are you a teacher?
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Nope, just a “Contrarian”….
  13. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    and very good at it
    and proud of the fact
    this place would not be the same without him
    we could try
    Minuteman and BTPost like this.
  14. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Like any thing, if you abuse it, there are consequences.
    the youtube The Fifth estate did not thoroughly define the dangers he was evasive. typical of those promoting the government agendas.
    He also did not pay attention to the facts the maker of the MMs taught, which is also disappointing.
    People already slanted hear what they want to hear.
    I tend to re-read or re-play informational things for the best understanding being portrayed. Also there are several people sharing the success with MMs both things they hoped for and more than they hoped for. this is significant. Usully some one with a specific problem is focused on that problem, but a number of effects lend more to the idea the person is getting more than they expected in a positive way. If the effect is pure subliminal there might not be secondary good effects.
    Secondly, if following the directions does not hurt you, if it does not change anything, and at least your not sicker much like the current vaccines being promoted by the government, approved by the FDA or not.
  15. Navyair

    Navyair Monkey++

    Amen, and best wishes for a long life, Duane. Just lost my "almost" 95 yo father-in-law to undiscovered bladder cancer. Went in for a UTI, found he had the cancer...4 days in the hospital, 30 hrs in hospice, died in his sleep. All in all, quick and painless.

    Hope yours is a long, prosperous future. JC
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