Federal agents dropped in on a distribution center that is under construction in Schuylkill County Thursday morning to round up workers who are allegedly in this country illegally. Agents from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration, state police and members of the Schuylkill County Sheriff's office arrived at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center that is going up in the High Ridge Business Park near Minersville, Pennsylvania. They were looking for suspected illegal immigrants. The workers were placed on white buses brought in by the federal agents. In all, three buses were brought to the business park. Everyone taken into custody was expected to be taken to a processing area. The government will then determine what will be done with the workers from there. The name of the construction company that hired the workers has not been released. Investigators say the company will probably be questioned by the agents as to how the undocumented workers got their jobs. * Why dont they go to Weston, Oregon, home of Smith Frozen Foods, and look for illegals? Hmmm.. maybe because its owned by Sen Gorden Smith? *
No suprise! we ought to hammer his office with complaints! ( I call almost everyday) go to numbersusa.com and look how he votes. illegals 1st, Americans LAST!
WOO HOO! I love the deportation of illegals. Should be more of it. But alas, there are not enough buses in the entire WORLD that can accomodate California.