We're sorry it took us so long to publish this report. We'll publish fresher news soon The 16th of August was Tails 6th birthday. Well, Tails existed before, but it was the birthday of the first public release. Actually, it was named amnesia then, it was before the fusion with Incognito. Never mind the details. Let's celebrate! Releases Tails 1.5 was released on August 11, 2015 (major release). Tails 1.5.1 was released on August 28, 2015 (minor emergency release to update Tor Browser to 5.0.2). The following changes were introduced in Tails 1.5: New features Disable access to the local network in the Tor Browser. You should now use the Unsafe Browser to access the local network. Upgrades and changes Install Tor Browser 5.0 (based on Firefox 38esr). Install a 32-bit GRUB EFI boot loader. Tails should now start on some tablets with Intel Bay Trail processors among others. Let the user know when Tails Installer has rejected a device because it is too small. Fixed problems Our AppArmor setup has been audited and improved in various ways which should harden the system. The network should now be properly disabled when MAC address spoofing fails. Documentation and website We finally found a good formulation about Tails not protecting against BIOS malware. We documented the languages in which user support is available. We reorganized information between the Start Tails and the Tails does not start pages. We published an (incomplete) list of organizations doing Tails training. We documented how to workaround issues on switchable graphics computer. We explained better why we disabled the circuit view of Tor Browser in Tails. We explained why Tails had no antivirus software. We explained how to analyse Wi-Fi problems with Broadcom interfaces. User experience On the Download and Verify extension for Firefox: sajolida sent an email to give the status of our work. Giorgio Maone explained the changes in the landscape of Firefox extensions and how they affect the technology that we can use. Clarified what happens in case of an interrupted download. On the Installation Assistant: We took decisions from the testing of the Windows installation scenario that was tested in June. Infrastructure We asked our mirrors to disable HTTP ETag to better support resumed downloads and documented how to do that. Despite of the Tor bug limiting our pool of HTTP mirrors is getting small. We need mirrors again and stopped saying that our pool is full. Our test suite covers 191 scenarios, 6 more than in July. Funding We finally signed a contract with OTF, running from February 2015 to July 2016, and sent our first report. We created ourselves a Flattr account. Outreach We have Tails stickers again! We'll share them during upcoming events, you can also make your own. Alan attended GUADEC, the GNOME conference in Gothenburg, Sweden on August 7 – 9 and connected us better with the GNOME community. A talk about Tails took place during DebConf15 in Heidelberg, Germany, on August 15th. DrWhax did a lightning talk about Tails at CCCamp on August 13 - 17 in Zehdenick, Germany. On-going discussions Alan submitted for review a new version of Tor Monitor (to replace Vidalia) and Sascha Steinbiss proposed to package it for Debian. We drafted a script to run a Mumble server from Tails, verified that the Mumble client in Tails Jessie works well, and started using it for internal meetings. Press and testimonials 2015-08-04: Cinq systèmes d’exploitation pour snober Windows 10 (et Mac OS) by Damien Leloup in Le Monde (in French). 2015-08-29: Tails OS 1.5 Offers Out-of-the-Box Privacy Protection by Tracy Knauer on GreyCoder. Translation At the end of the month: All website PO files de: 18% (1265) strings translated, 0% strings fuzzy, 17% words translated fr: 46% (3223) strings translated, 2% strings fuzzy, 43% words translated pt: 26% (1842) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 24% words translated Total original words: 79407 Core PO files de: 59% (794) strings translated, 1% strings fuzzy, 66% words translated fr: 91% (1219) strings translated, 3% strings fuzzy, 92% words translated pt: 82% (1102) strings translated, 9% strings fuzzy, 85% words translated Total original words: 14404 Metrics Tails has been started more than 469,870 times this month. This makes 15,157 boots a day on average. 31,870 downloads of the OpenPGP signature of Tails ISO from our website. 127 bug reports were received through WhisperBack. -- Report by BitingBird for Tails folks Continue reading...