Texas, what a great place to live.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by E.L., Sep 11, 2005.

  1. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The following pro-gun legislation was signed and passed in Texas. What this means to all Monkeys, is that when you travel in Texas you can have a handgun in your vehicle without having a concealed hangun license. You can also apply for a CHL even if you are out of state. HB 1066 by Representative Glenn Hegar (R-Katy) Allows Residents of All Other States to Apply for Texas CHLs and Streamlines Requirements for Other States To Qualify for CHL Reciprocity. I would bet though that the Florida handgun license would be the better way to go, and easier to get.

    Legislation passed by the 79th Texas Legislature will become effective on September 1, 2005 when signed by Governor Rick Perry. All but one of the following will deal with the Concealed Handgun Law (CHL) after 9/1 if signed by Governor Perry.

    Governor Rick Perry (R) has until June 19 to sign the measures, which he has not yet already signed.

    SB 734 by Senator Tommy Williams (R-The Woodlands) & Representative Anna Mowery (R-Fort Worth) Protects Hunting Opportunities on Private Lands Annexed by Municipalities (Signed by Governor Rick Perry already)

    HB 225 by Representative Joe Driver (R-Garland) & Senator Bob Deuell (R-Greenville) Extends Term of Renewed Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHLs) from 4 to 5 Years

    HB 322 by Representative Suzanna Hupp (R-Lampasas) & Senator Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls) Reduces Fees and Lowers the Minimum Age Requirement for a CHL from 21 to 18 for Active Military Personnel

    HB 685 by Representative Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs) & Senator Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio) Eliminates the Range Instruction Portion of CHL Course for Military Personnel with Handgun Training (Signed by Governor Rick Perry already)

    HB 823 by Representative Terry Keel (R-Austin) & Senator Juan Hinojosa (D-McAllen) Legalizes the Carrying of Concealed Handguns in Private Vehicles Without a CHL

    HB 1038 by Representative Carl Isett (R-Lubbock) & Senator Kim Brimer (R-Fort Worth) Reduces CHL Renewal Fees for Senior Citizens

    HB 1066 by Representative Glenn Hegar (R-Katy) Allows Residents of All Other States to Apply for Texas CHLs and Streamlines Requirements for Other States To Qualify for CHL Reciprocity with Texas (passed as an amendment to HB 225 by Representative Joe Driver & Senator Bob Deuell)

    HB 1483 by Representative Stephen Frost (D-Atlanta) & Senator Kevin Eltife (R-Tyler) Expands Possible Methods of Payment for CHL Application Fees

    HB 1831 by Representative Robert Talton (R-Houston) & Senator Juan Hinojosa (D-McAllen) Exempts Certain Deferred Adjudications from Definition of "Convicted" for CHL Eligibility

    Special thanks also to House Speaker Tom Craddick and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst for their leadership on these issues, which are so important to our Second Amendment rights!

    Additionally, all anti-gun measures were defeated this session!
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