For those that have been wondering where Doc has been he had a Heart attack a week ago and will be have surgery on Thursday morning to repair a valve in the heart. he is doing well and myself and the girls are checking his stuff online as he is not allowed to as he has a Monitor on the wireless router and cell phones mess with it . he will be back in a few weeks and will fill you in on the rest of the story as Paul Harvey says. Wife of Doc for Doc
Mrs. Doc, our good wishes are with you as well. Doc...get better soon, we miss the cookouts and margaritas.
May the surgery go well and the recovery be quick. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do. phishi
Thank you all he is fighting me to get online so i told him to tell em what he wants typed and I would do it. thank you all , Doc typed by Wife of doc
Ok, Doc wants me to tell you that he is ok and is having surgery in the morning @6:30 to repair a valve in his heart. I will let you know how hs is doing after it . the hard part is going to keep him down for the next 4 weeks . thanks for all the kind words and prayers . Wife of TexasDoc
Doc better get well. Who's gonna take care of us when we're old? Haha. Glad to see that he has such capable ladies around. Hope everything goes great. Sometime I may tell of my grandfather's heart problems. God keep and bless.
Doc made it thru surgery today and is in ICU overnight I plan on staying with him and will have my oldest post later today on how he is doing. Wife of TexasDoc
Congratulations to you all! Prayers still coming for a speedy recovery. Best wishes to you, Mrs. Doc, on keeping him down for 4 weeks!
Good news indeed. Hang in, and we all hope he's homebound in short order. Thanks for the update, we care.