Occasionally discussions on here get heated and passions flare. We as mods watch the developments and if it degrades into name calling or personal attacks we have to step in. I have seen lately a more coarse and blunt repertoire of insults. We have a thread for Jeffersonian Debate and I have to say that we have many here who are quite proficient at it. So I thought I would start this thread as an alternative, or more to the point an addendum. When cordial debate fails and you just have to slap someone here are some ways of doing it in a more subtle manner. I would love to see things from your point of view. But I just can't seem to turn off that many brain cells. They are having a sale on lives at Walmart, maybe you should go get one. I'm sorry but you will never be half the man your mother was. I was very shocked by your comment. Finally an intelligent response. I don't know what it is about you that makes you such an arrogant person. But it is working really well. There are several people in this world that I find obnoxious. And you're all of them. I've been called far worse by much better. You don't seem to be yourself today. I noticed the improvement right away. You are not the worst person in the world. Just the worst one I know. I would really like to help you out. Which way did you come in? They say ignorance is bliss. You must be very happy. You've changed, you used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you're just the opposite, obnoxious and arrogant. Your arguments are like a light pole to a drunk. Used to lean on not to illuminate. You must be very good at arithmetic. You add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. I am not trying to make a fool of you. I wouldn't want to take all the credit. You are nobody's fool. But maybe someone will adopt you. You should toss out more of your snide remarks. Along with the rest of the garbage. At least your not obnoxious like so many other people. You are obnoxious in your own special way.
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed foe. I believe there is a village missing it's idiot. I thought you couldn't be more wrong....I was mistaken. Would be best to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than speak again, and remove all doubt.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. You have no enemies, but are intensely disliked by your friends. You can put the most words into the smallest idea than anyone else I know. It is amazing. You can never open your mouth without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge. Some create happiness wherever they go, you cause it whenever you go.