The Athiest Argument

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Minuteman, Jun 4, 2012.

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  1. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Hey...It's neat joke...
  2. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Someone else posted it last time.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Being, Older than Dirt... gives one some perspective, on this question......
    If you are a Believer in a God.... Then you need to live in his Light, and worship, as your God Requires..... to receive his Blessings.....
    If you are not.... Then it really makes NO Difference, what you do in this life, as the Great Cosmos, Doesn't give a S**T, and when your Gone, Your Gone.....
    It really is as simple as that...... The rest is all semantics..... ..... YMMV.....
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    You're insulted by that?:cry:

    C''ve just gotta put up with that if you enter the fray in a post about religion. It's nothing personal.....
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    EZ does it, folks. This subforum is bound to produce disagreements, and we need to be more than usually aware of the potential for verbal fisticuffs.
    BTPost likes this.
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    And I yours. That is the beauty of this nation regardless of why, how or who founded it. I think none of us would be here at this site if WE didn't think it was all coming apart. I guess the debate really should be about WHY? Most of know that crony capitalists who are just old school Hegelians are running the show today. Central world bankers and multinationals. It is my contention that for this NATION to survive and keep its liberty and identity it needs to pull back from Globalism and re establish its independence and constitution. However the current administration and the last three have all pushed world government. I am sure you agree that the founders would be angry today. KF
    tulianr likes this.
  7. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I must disagree Bruce, and I am pretty sure that I have a few more years of "perspective" than even your ancient self.

    This is a misapprehension that I see regularly from "the faithful" assumes that there must be a personal and external reward involved for one to wish to do that which they believe is best for their fellow humanoids...

    I (and many other "non faithful" folks that I have known) try hard to be moral (as each of us believe morality to be) and do that which will make the world a better place...not because we are told we must in order to earn the favor of an alleged god, but merely because it makes us feel better about ourselves. In some ways, for those of us who do not have faith in the existence of a supreme being or a selective afterlife, it is even more imperative to do good in this life, because it is likely to be the only shot we have.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Whenever we hear a religious person become angry (or see it) at the proposition that there is no God, it is a sure sign they are frightened, deep down. This is not something to toy with or relish --for these people, their faith has carried them through the toughest times in life. For many religious folk, their belief system is as much a part of their life as the air they breathe, and it is just as real to them. Just the idea of the absence of their God (this is comical to an Atheist) is enough to short-circuit their cognitive abilities and their emotional processes take over; this is because religious belief is deeply rooted in emotion. To me, there has been no greater emotional story ever told than the pristinely gifted and cherished child of the God so revered by Christians, the death of this man, and his sacrifice for humanity. Perhaps it is because it's the same story from the times of ancient Egypt and even Greek mythology --it locks on to the core of our being and shakes us to the very foundation.

    As humans, we are capable of the most incredible feats of love and beauty. We are also capable of the greatest examples of depravity and horror, too. Although the years go on and our civilizations rise and fall, we take these universal truths of the self with us through time on our seemingly endless journey toward the unknown future.

    We are each naked and fragile at birth, and we must all die on our own. For the majority of people, it is comforting to believe there is something waiting for us --something more than we have ever received in this life.

    For what seems to have been an eternity, humankind has rooted itself in religion, perhaps to keep the peace and instill discipline when there was no other method and to grant reason to any number of life's mysteries. Rulers and Popes have long held power due to the adoption and enforcement of religious dictates; in modern times, people often adopt the popular belief system so they can belong. Religions have raised countless armies and given them courage to face insurmountable odds in the most precarious times. It is still true to this day that the largest army has the tendency to achieve victory, although technology does even the odds a bit. When Hitler's supremely advanced forces went up against the British or the Russians alone, it was a slaughter. And then the allied assault began, with vast numbers of troops from around the world --turning any foe into ash with shear numbers. There were Atheists among the fighters on every side, but the overwhelming majority have always been the religious. It is even said that, in the trenches there are no Atheists. War has a tendency to frighten and shock the individual to such an extent that emotion simply must take over.

    The dangers of religion are not the belief itself, it is what we choose to do with those beliefs which become the danger. And even on a strictly personal level, as long as no harm is intended or carried out toward others, religion is rather benign. Again, we come full circle to the anger brought on by fear. When we choose to live in fear, our cognitive thinking, the notion of reason --vanish.

    And some people are more pragmatic, less prone to be influenced by fairy tales and beliefs alone. This does not mean an Atheist is more "intelligent" or otherwise supremely enlightened; the aptitude of the religious can excel just as well. Maybe people who do not share belief in a God haven't faced some of the trials and struggles of those who have chosen to believe in a God. Maybe Atheists had a different upbringing than religious people. Maybe it is none of these, and they simply cannot accept anything they cannot see, feel or witness for themselves. I do know that a mind focused firmly on religion as its core belief will never listen to reason --at least not to the extent of absolutism. Something else must occupy the place in the mind which currently fills it with a belief system for a total transition to occur. This is why we may see a person "convert" to another religion. In the past, this was mandated and forced to happen under penalty of death. Today, in the spirit of civilized society within a mostly "free" world, it is a choice.

    What fills the mind of an Atheist, in the space where religion resides in others? It is different for everyone. It can be the experience with religion, having been indoctrinated previously, the Atheist could use these experiences to gain new understanding and supplant the beliefs of religion with new ones. These beliefs could be scientific, or they could be spiritual in nature. Not all spiritualism is religious, after all. Also, the mind of an Atheist could be more akin to attaching itself to the Gnostic; having no solid thought process beyond the recognition that there is "a" God.

    If we were to take an ounce of water from a glass and replace it with a marble to fill it again to the exact level --the volume remains stable and constant, just as it was. Beliefs are very much the same, they can affect other beliefs and interrelate. Attempting to take out an entire belief system would be about as difficult as trying to remove water from a solid chunk of granite. As humans, we are always seeking answers. Sometimes we look at the endless universe or to this incredible biosphere we call Earth and we are overwhelmed by its magnificence and power. What are we but seemingly just another species trying to survive in the cruelty of nature? It doesn't surprise me one bit to see people incorporating religious belief systems on the chance they can feel assured. Nobody really wants to be alone. We all long to feel loved or wanted or important. And some of us require answers above all else --an answer for everything. To the religious, this alone is enough. And for any who may be wondering, if it isn't included in scripture, that too is an answer.

    A belief system is a series of thoughts, each based on fundamental, relational concepts which share a common core belief. Choose your thoughts wisely. ;)
  9. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I wish I could believe, I really do. I miss the acceptance that comes when you can say "Oh I go to such and such church". I've lost friends because they felt their beliefs dictated it was a sin to associate with a non-believer. One friend's wife would literally turn her chair around so her back was to me whenever I stopped by to see how they were doing. I also miss the potlucks. [winkthumb] I was raised in the Xtian church by a minister and the choir director. My dad has a PhD in theology, been a minister for nearly 60 years, has traveled the globe translating bibles into different languages, taught at several different seminaries, and tried his damnedest to make me believe. I tried my damnedest to believe, but no matter how hard I tried to, religious beliefs were always the Emperor's New Clothes to me. I'm not going to go into detail about the whys because that only seems to torque off the faithful even more, but the truth is it wasn't until I accepted that I did not believe at all and that I was far from alone in my inability to believe that I found peace.

    And with that I'm gettin out of this forum. I can't blame Chelloveck for sucking me in here this time.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    They are scared. Truly, deeply frightened.

    @ditch witch yeah, don't you hate that? =P
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Religion should be a very simple thing.... It should be YOUR Personal Relationship with YOUR GOD. What it should NOT be is something that gets BETWEEN, YOU and YOUR GOD. The Holy Books that are fundamental to ANY Religion, are available for ANYONE to read. The ability to Read and Write, is mostly available, to anyone who has the ability, and desire to learn. If you let another Human get between YOU and YOUR GOD, then you open yourself up to the Failings of MEN, and to be Lead Astray, by Evil Intent. If you PAY another Human to be your intercessor, for YOU with YOUR GOD, then you not only fall into the previously described Trap, but you are actually PAYING to be TRAPPED.
    Just because someone says they can do this FOR YOU, does NOT make it SO, and how is it that you believe, that it even could be SO. Why would any GOD Omnipotent, setup such a system like that? Inquiring Minds would like to know........
    tulianr likes this.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Welcome to the politics of belief.
    Tracy likes this.
  13. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I look at the Faith and Religion section as an area for people interested in Faith and Religion to come and discuss topics. Coming into this section to be all knowing on either side of the argument will make both sides sour.

    I look at it this way. If we had a Forum called: Going Menstrual, I would assume since it has little to do with my male anatomy, I would have little to contribute or benefit from this section and would therefore avoid all posts in said forum. What I do know is that I hate getting a call saying, "I am out, can you pick them up for me on your way home?"

    I read through this thread and am somewhat disappointed at the digression of the subject to the point that it makes the majority on both sides of the "discussion" aka argument seem more like a conversation between Obamabots and Romneybots, just a different topic.

    No one, on either side, should feel like they have to run from a forum. Polite, civil discourse will prevail for the benefit of all.
    Tracy and tulianr like this.
  14. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Locking for a few days --- If I can figure out the new locking mechanism
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