Thought it would be worth posting a thread were we can share outstanding deals we find online for Survival related items. Not meant to be advertisement for you own store but just for us to share with each other if we find a awesome deal you know we would all love to take advantage of. Here is one I bought a couple weeks ago. It was 11.xx when I bought and now it is 13.07. No brand name, but works good for me. We had the power go out for a few hours just a couple days ago and lit up our bedroom well. Says 1 minute crank gives 30 minutes of light. It does dim just after 5-10 minutes. But about 30 second of cranking it back up will brighten it back up. Seemed pretty cheap to me and thought I would share. I looked through all the Forums and Looked like General Discussion was the best category to add the post to. But if it is in the wrong one very sorry and please move it