<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YzoXPav7uzs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> pretty cool, say good bye to the keyboard...
The next logical step is to eliminate the screen by usng a 3D holographic projection 'floating' before the user, and he/she can use touch to manipulate it - this has been simulated in many sci-fi movies & TV shows, and I'm sure some science squirrel is feverishly working on it. Imagine it's use in medicine - your doctor scans your body and can see inside you, rotate and zoom in to look at things of interest, apply filters to remove unneeded bits, and get full diagnostic info. Or your mrchanic does similar with your car, it's engine and systems. Air traffic control, Navy fleet operations (keeping track of the vessels, zooming in on targets of interest - all data generated from both satellites and drones). Battlefield recon. City planning and operations. The uses are unlimited!