The Great Game

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Minuteman, Apr 22, 2023.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I remember reading a book by that or a similar title many years ago. It was how the powers behind the curtain manipulate and play this great chess game on the world stage. The things that are actually going on that the public either learns of years later or more commonly, never learn of at all.
    I was reminded of it recently with this story on the leak of pentagon papers. It has all the hallmarks of a clandestine chess move.
    I had some serious doubts about this whole story from the start.
    I think it serves as a glaring example that the great game goes on. It may well be an unintentional glimpse into the game play and the players.
    I have had a problem with this entire Ukraine war since the beginning. Too many lies and deceptions. I thought it was likely just a deep state cover up of corrupt politician's money laundering schemes. And perhaps a cover up of governmental bio weapons research. Both of those may well be true, but now I believe it is much deeper than that.
    When the story first broke of this leak it was reported to be fake, Russian propaganda etc.
    But then we find out that there is this investigation to find the leaker and learn what happened. So it was real. But the narrative went from what the documents said, to all about the hunt for and eventual arrest of the leaker. Very common and apparent CYA move.
    What was in the leak? The leak documented the manipulation of data concerning the war in Ukraine. Specifically that the casualty count for the Ukrainians was severely under reported while the count for Russian casualties was highly inflated. To make it look like the Ukranians were doing much better than they really were. The leak also confirmed many rumors that there were US personnel on the ground there aiding and assisting in the fight. It contained a pessimistic assessment that the war was likely unwinnable.
    After the leaker was arrested it was reported that, yes this was actual pentagon documents but the Russians got them when they first came out and changed them. So anything negative or not in line with the official narrative was Russian propaganda.
    This whole thing smacked of government cover up. The news are obediently reporting that a 20 year old, national guardsmen had access to highly classified Pentagon documents and leaked them on an online gaming chat room.
    Really? And people aren't questioning this preposterous claim?
    I heard a radio personality commenting on this the other day and his analysis made much more sense. I rarely listen to Dan Bongino but happened to come across his radio show one day. He is a former Secret Service agent and has contacts in the intelligence community. I believe his assessment may well be the real story.
    According to his contacts there is a split in the intelligence community and ergo among the chess masters, on how best to play the Ukraine chess pieces. One faction believes it is a lost cause and that Russia will inevitably gain and keep the Eastern provinces of Ulraine, as well as the Crimea. And that the best strategy is to get them to a negotiating table and try to win as many concessions as possible from them in exchange for ending the war.
    The other faction believes that it is an opportunity to bleed Russian resources and that by inflating Russian losses that they can provoke the Russian people to rise up and overthrow Putin.
    The leak could well have been intentionally made by the end the war faction and the blatant cover up orchestrated by the keep it going faction. A war between the chess players. An internal struggle on how to play the game.
    And that is what, I belive this is all about. If people think that these governments and politicians give a shat about Ukraine or its people then that is a level of naiveté bordering on mental illness.
    We are not spending billions of dollars, along with billions from other NATO countries to prop up and stand behind the brave freedom fighters of Ukraine in thier valiant struggle for democracy and freedom from tyranny. That's a nice storyline, might make a good Hollywood movie but it is far from any reality.
    The global chess Players are playing the great game just as they have always done. And the nations of the world and thier people are nothing more than chess pieces on the board. And just as in the game of Chess, many times you must sacrifice pieces to achieve the ultimate victory.
    The thousands of military and civilian lives that have been and will be lost in this game are nothing more than expendable game pieces. Pieces sacrificed to achieve the goals of the chess masters playing the game.
    To believe that there is any moral or righteous motivations behind it is the height of self deception and delusion.
    I belive this episode gave us a glimpse into the world of the true gamers of this world.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Dunerunner, mechstdr, duane and 3 others like this.
  3. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Seems strange that a 20 year old guardsman would have access to that level of secret documents. Honestly, from what I’ve seen of the docs, that sort of info should be kept to just the very top.
    Seawolf1090, mechstdr, Meat and 2 others like this.
  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Agreed! Some things need to be kept on PAPER and IF you NEED to read it then you Travel to it and READ a small room while 3 Marines hold .45s on you!
  5. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    That whole thing stinks of a major set up.
  6. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    "Seems strange that a 20-year-old guardsman would have access to that level of secret documents."
    Yes and no. 20-year-olds indeed have TS/SCI access to classified programs. Hell, they might be nothing but an Admin clerk but they would have to have a clearance to work in the program and in the facility (SCIF). What is indeed strange is he seem to have access to numerous, different programs. I haven't been following this too much but he seemed to have a lot of different documents from different projects and to me, that is what stinks.
    EDIT: A TS/SCI clearance is specific for a program/project for which you are 'read on' and have direct involvement with a 'need to know' to perform your job. It doesn't mean that simply because I have a clearance, even this one, that I have access across the board to all programs/projects about anything classified.

    I mean, some of this is normal propaganda like the causality figures. Did anyone really believe those figures of the Russians or the Ukrainians losses? I hope not. This is a full-blown war, life and death struggle, and neither side is going to give a truthful account of their causalities. However, we can ascertain a few things ourselves simply by using common sources. The Russian mobilization is a major hint that the war is not going as plan for the Russians. The fact that the Ukrainian forces are still holding is also a major hint that while the war isn't being won it isn't being lost either. They're stalemated but this will change has to which I believe is the reason for the leak documents. I think the coming Russian offensive will be overwhelming and I'm surprised it hasn't started already but they appear to be holding off, delaying, because I believe they see West support starting to melt away and once that happens then it is game over for Ukrainian.

    As far as Americans being involved...I would bet there are trainers, advisors, and you can definitely bet we are passing intelligence to the Ukrainians.

    "One faction believes it is a lost cause and that Russia will inevitably gain and keep the Eastern provinces of Ukraine, as well as the Crimea."
    It was a lost cause from day one; however, the fact they have held out as long as they have is indeed a miracle. However, we saw this before with Finland in the Winter War.

    "We are not spending billions of dollars, along with billions from other NATO countries to prop up and stand behind the brave freedom fighters of Ukraine in their valiant struggle for democracy and freedom from tyranny...The global chess Players are playing the great game just as they have always done."
    Yep! Obviously, that's the war poster but nowhere close to the real reasons. I think Kipling first used the term "Great Game' but this has ALWAYS been the case with ALL wars. Hell, you could even make a case concerning our Revolutionary War was the same. France didn't help us because they liked us but because we could cause problems for England. Both, WW1 and WW2 certainly were Great Game wars. Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq...etc. all part of the Great Game of Nations. This invasion of Ukraine is no different. We most certainly would NOT be helping them unless it benefited us some way like... Biden cronies siphons off loads of money as does Ukrainian bosses. It kills Russians and causes problems within Russian society domestically and internationally and puts all of this at Putin's feet. EDIT: That is but a few of the reasons, how about Russian strangle hold on Europe due to natural gas and Ukraine having huge new fields just discovered. Frankly, I think that's the true reason for Putin's invasion. There is a lot going on in the Great Game that we have no purview to...

    I have always said, even on this forum, the only good thing is the Ukrainian people are receiving assistance to continue to fight, but we are most certainly not helping them out of the kindness of our heart and, yes, it's the Great Game. You cannot force a people to fight if they don't wish to do so and it quite obvious the Ukrainians are not finished so we should continue to support them...which I also know we will not do so much longer. And, personally, I don't give a damn about the why or why not reasons because if it wasn't this war then Biden would have found another one. They always do. Always.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
  7. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Yep, Sudan announced that there was to be a Russian naval base on the Red Sea. A few days later a civil war breaks out with all kinds of news reports. The massive death toll is about equal to the number of Americans dying of fentanel overdoses in the same period. But we have to go all out to make sure the right side wins and the "massive" deaths due to the combat end. The deaths of thousands of Christians in some of the areas near there are ignored or reported as civil war deaths. No idea what is the truth, no honest totally truthful source of news left world wide.

    President Biden calls civil war in Sudan 'unconscionable' as US Embassy personnel evacuate

    Why Is the Western Media Ignoring the U.S. Role in Sudan? | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
  8. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Yes he had a clearance and that is not what I think is odd. He PRINTED a bunch of stuff. Printing that stuff is not easy to do without the system knowing it was done. Some of the stuff they claimed he had would not have been something he should have had access to since he had no need to know. There was supposedly some CIA daily briefs which would not be found at a MA guard base. Same with a JCS briefing. It just seems pretty damn strange.
    SB21, duane and CraftyMofo like this.
  9. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    Makes sense. It’s outside of my experience, but it implies to me that if this guy and at least a handful of people at his base saw this, and extrapolating across the country, that’s probably thousands who have knowledge of a secret. If that many people have knowledge of it, it’s unlikely to remain a secret.
    (I think you’re right on the money with records of printed materials…thought I read that some of these leaks were from pics taken with a phone)
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    This is from the linked article. Explains why there hasn't been an overwhelming offensive launched by Russia yet.

    "According to one document dated February 28, Ukraine would run out of missiles for the S-300 and Buk air defense systems used to defend against air attacks by May 3 and April 13 respectively. The purported shortages painted a dire picture for Ukraine’s front line troops, or “FLOT,” with a leaked document stating:

    [Ukraine’s] ability to provide medium range air defense to protect the FLOT will be completely reduced by May 23. [Ukraine] assessed to withstand 2-3 more wave strikes. As 1st Layer Defense munitions run out, 2nd and 3rd Layer expenditure rates will increase, reducing the ability to defend against Russian aerial attacks from all altitudes.

    Other documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, also said the Russian Air Force is largely intact and has been held at bay by Ukrainian air defense, which could change if Ukraine’s air defenses are degraded."
    Tempstar and duane like this.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yep! Good points! Those systems log everything: who accessed what and when and what did they do with it. Yeah, what the hell was a National Guard unit doing with JCS or CIA briefs with specific details? Some basic crap, like "typhus infection rate in the war zone" could be disseminated to all units for general knowledge but critical and specific details? Furthermore, the CIA is hell to work with, in short, they don't share. Yeah, it stinks, doesn't it. It's good to know another prior military/government guy smells something as I've been getting more and more paranoid as of late. :) LOL! It might be a scam against the Russians...

    Now, this makes complete sense and we have heard over and over on the news about artillery shells shortages and air defense missile shortages... Hmm...what if that is a lie and that's the scam? What if there isn't a shortage? Get the Russians to launch their offensive, because the Ukrainians sure as hell cannot launch theirs while the Russians are primed and ready from the buildup. Get them to attack, drain their resources against the defensives, then launch their counterattack. I've been wondering about the Ukraine insanity of going on the offensive while the Russians haven't even committed their new troops from the buildup. And, the clock is ticking as support in the West is melting away...
    mysterymet likes this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yep, here it comes! Biden and crew knows that they can't keep going in the Ukraine indefinitely and support is starting to fade, more like, "If the Ukraine can't win then perhaps, they should find a diplomatic solution?" So, watch Biden and his merry band of crooks turn to Sudan now to dump money there, and take their cut. And, if you think we don't have any business helping Ukraine (even though we signed a treaty stating we would) why in hell should we help Sudan? The Great Game continues...and the crooks get richer and richer...
    SB21 likes this.
  13. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Or, "How to become a multimillionaire in 2 years in Congress on $129,000 a year"
  14. Qwertyportne

    Qwertyportne Monkey

    All the material and immaterial things that matter (art, science, family, friendships, medicine, manufacturing...) can be swept away or rendered impossible to pursue if we get our politics wrong. History is replete with lessons on just how wrong politics can get if we allow power to become concentrated in the few rather than distributed among the many. And we don't need apocalyptic movies or novels to foresee the worst ways in which we can get our politics wrong. The real world right now is evidence of the chaos and anarchy that exists because someone in a position power has a mindset rooted in bad politics.
    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. ~ John Dalberg-Acton ​
    Gray Wolf, CraftyMofo and Dunerunner like this.
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