Nope . . . its not spending . . . . it's our "strict" adherence to the Constitution and its evil provisions. So, let's get rid of it!
I think we should kill the first amendment first and close the news papers. Give the easy lessons first. I would be careful with the second amendment folks tho, they throw more than words.
the 4th Reich Nazi America is coming soon----- stop burying your guns or dig them up its time to water the tree of liberty again
If you're interested in a good book, read Vince Flynn's Term Limits. It might sate some of your desires . . . or . . . .
Same ones I have . . . ringing some jacka$$'s neck who thinks they're royalty who has never had to be accountable for the stupid, selfish decisions they make.
"Louis Michael Seidman, a professor of constitutional law at Georgetown University, is theauthor of the forthcoming book “On Constitutional Disobedience.”" Mr. Seidman, the constitution, is the template our country is founded upon. If you don't like it, feel free to leave now. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.