A hearty welcome to @Dunerunner, as a new Moderator to the forum!!! BYOB= Bring your own bananas.....!! YD
May Dunerunner moderate moderately. Being a moderator is something of a distinction, which in this forum is hard earned. The quality of the forum here is a tribute to the admins and moderators that keep this forum on an even keel. They keep a tight ship and a high standard of moderation. It's good to have another moderator to drop kick spammers, scammers and phishers to. Congratulations....and commiserations for your appointment @Dunerunner. I hope you don't get too many headaches to sort out.
I knew it! he bribed you with beer right? You should have held out for hard cider that he makes !!! Congrats! you are a great choice @Dunerunner
" Unfortunately, your recent report has been rejected: Post in thread 'The Monkey's Newest Moderator....' - Quite messing around, or get issued a WARNING.." Maybe I wasn't clear....
lol that is what MG does, unfortunately we have some Mods with zero tolerance for humor outside their own particular brand ... it is what it is
I don't think CC was referring to you as the target, Dunerunner. Though I doubt that CC would be doing your grooming either; no matter how delicious the foraging.
Just trying something different instead of the usual congratulations.. Ever heard of the saying, if your friends aren't flicking you sh!t, then something is wrong. ETA: even though I've never met Dunerunner or conversed with him much here. If he's been selected by the staff here, then I'd consider him a friend I've never met