The Sheriffs got a .50 cal machine gun!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FrancisMarion, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I DONT want to live in that area. They get the money for that budget from the pockets of the folks in the area and if they got that much money to toss around I dont want to be the one supporting their budget.
  2. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    A lot of citizens have "voted with their feet", and moved to Lexington county. I never moved into Richland county, i always thought it was a cesspool.
  3. Rodanvssct

    Rodanvssct Monkey++

    I saw that thing the other day driving by a small police station in Columbia. I did a double take with my neck. I used to build those things at a local defense contractor, and I recognized it right away. I wasn't aware of this article until now. thanks.
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Sheep vote with their feet. When will we begin to vote with our rifles?
  5. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    if you roll up on an APC that has a mounted 50 and "vote with your rifle" it's going to be a short primary.
    i've always felt a good run was better than a bad stand.
  6. andy

    andy Monkey+++

    i know i speek only for my branch(USN) but your right were only "suppost" use 50's against vehicles/boat and harden targets, buildings, bunkers and such, but if it came down to it i'd use it on anything or anyone i had to(note: in a war zone sure by the military yes, against are own people hell no!) i guess my MAC said it the best "the 50 is crowd control at its best"
  7. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    it still looks like overkill. even thought the feds paid 300K for it....i wonder what strings are attached?
  8. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Probably a lease, its their's until the local u.n . commander needs it...
  9. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ're probably right.
  10. FrancisMarion

    FrancisMarion Monkey+++

    Hey badkarma the sheriff is going to be on 560AM WVOC on Monday @ 4:00pm. Kevin Cohen show. If you're interested.
  11. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Thats kind of what I was thinking, that they were only to be used on hard targets and equiptment but in war one could get away with it generaly on personel by the claim they were shooting the rifle the guy was carrying or some such but its technicaly a war crime to use it on personel. So for LE to use it would be pretty hard to justify it would seem to me. Kind of seems like a battering ram on the front of the APC to just knock down any house they were baricaded in (like KCPD in MO has) would be easier to justify.
  12. FrancisMarion

    FrancisMarion Monkey+++

    Todays the 24th. The day I was to call the station back and speak with the sheriff. So I tune in, and notice thats theres a guest speaker. Speaking about our states recent highway patrol troubles. I call anyways just to make sure the sheriff is going to be on. Call screener has no idea what im talking about. Says maybe the sheriff will be on when the "real" host was back. Had no idea when that would be. So back to square one. Thanks to everyone for the opinions and advice.
  13. MbRodge

    MbRodge Monkey+++

    Yet another smooth dodge of the issue by an authority figure! taser1
  14. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    the highway patrol has been making hood ornaments out of scumbags who bush bond......armed fleeing felons now have the right to not be injured during pursuits.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    But tazing misdeameanors to death is OK? WTF,O?
  16. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    Are you asking about the SC HP hood ornaments? Or did SCHP taze someone and i missed the dashcam footage?

    don't taze me bro....
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    They have a right to NOT be run down for a felony, but do have a right to be tazed for a misdemeanor. Makes no sense.
  18. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    Yeah, i agree. it's nuts in da hood.
  19. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    According to a rangemaster I shoot with down in Cali, Taser (the company) has never had a death directly from their product. Its always been the abuse from the product by the powers that be. They also have fought every wrongful death suit brought to them. Im guessing they have a hardcore legal staff.
    my .20 cents. (meh inflation)
  20. RevBushmaster

    RevBushmaster When in doubt use more C4

    You could tell him it could start a arms race. Personally I think your sheriff is beyond stupidDangrous and would view him and his crew with more suspicion than normal. He sounds very dangerous. However the average citizen is so freaking brainwashed as to be dumber than most sheep into thinking that anything that law enforcement or president bush does is unquestionably A-Ok! If he ever uses a heavy machine gun in a urban firefight he will probably kill more civilians than bad guys. If I were a bad guy and a AP rolled up with it would not deter me one whit! I would have to snicker if one of those come rolling up. I would be much more fearful of good police communication, sharp shooters and or snipers, fast patrol cars and or a helicopter. That guy should resign before he hurts some innocent people including his retarded self. Really!

    Forgive me but I get passionate about such things. If your community is as most are they will be pathologically pro law enforcement, and cradle to the grave safety fixated. I doubt your righteous crusade (righteous in the eyes of god and country of our founding fathers) will do very much good. This is so over the top it may, but anyway, FrancisMarion, I would suggest you do what I had to do , save up your coins rent or sell your house (if you have one) in the city and move to the county and build your own paradise. You can still be involved in city , national and other affairs (thank you lord for the computer), and have the piece of mind and some real security. Its a shame that in your city that means you may have to move out of the effective range of a .50 cal.

    ; {>
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