I don't know why these people think this is good news. Remember there is a Constitution that clearly states you cannot ban guns, yet, here the dems go trying to do exactly that. I don't know why they'd start being constrained by law now. Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun and Ammo Registration Good news - it has become known that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms. It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D CA) and Barack Obama overlooked http://bit.ly/U5P28V According to reports, that amendment says the government cannot collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition." CNN is calling it "a gift to the nation's powerful gun lobby." And according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D NV), that's exactly right. He says he added the provision in order to keep the NRA from getting involved in the legislative fight over Obamacare, which was so ubiquitous in 2010.
So does that mean I no longer have to fill out an FFL form? By the way.. this is a catch 22. Get rid of Obamacare, get rid of this. Keep Obamacare, keep this as well. Nice little hook.
No, all it means is Obummer can't mandate ANY TYPE of National Gun Registration Scheme by Executive Order, as that would violate the Federal Statue HE SIGNED. If he tried he would be Impeached. The same is TRUE for ANY type of Ammunition restriction for Common projectile types, for the same reasons.
What I have been able to find as far as actual text of the amendment is concerned did not see this on the link provided. “(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.–A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to– “(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or “(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual. “(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.–None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to– “(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; “(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or “(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition. “(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS.–None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition. “(4) LIMITATION ON DETERMINATION OF PREMIUM RATES OR ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE.–A premium rate may not be increased, health insurance coverage may not be denied, and a discount, rebate, or reward offered for participation in a wellness program may not be reduced or withheld under [Page: S13491] GPO’s PDF any health benefit plan issued pursuant to or in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act on the basis of, or on reliance upon– “(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or “(B) the lawful use or storage of a firearm or ammunition. “(5) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS.–No individual shall be required to disclose any information under any data collection activity authorized under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act relating to– “(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or “(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition.”. (f) Section 2718 of the Public Health Service Act, as added by section 1001(5), is amended to read as follows: