Boston Considers Stricter Knife Regulations. The liberal mind at work.... Whatever they choose to ban, there will be something else that humans will use to do harm to their neighbor. You can't ban the penchant for humans to make poor decisions.
Instead of prosecuting stores who broke an existing law; the left's solution is to add another law? As Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does."
People have been killing each other for a long time, why do these politicians think that adding another law to a society that does'nt respect the law in the first place is going to make a difference.
Awesome.. next they'll ban pencils.. Didn't they watch the shabaz video of him teaching pre-teen children how to kill a person ? Everything's a weapon.. Everything. BAN ALL PHYSICAL OBJECTS!!! IT'S THE ONLY WAY!!! /end heavy sarc
If was me i'd say "FINE. I'll just carry a short metal rod with a sharpened point. Now what ya gonna do? Ban Poles? If so there goes the Politician's sex life when cheating on their Wives!!!" F@#$% retarded da@# Liberals Next Up, A Ban on Sticks!!!
I always have an all metal (cross brand) ball point pen in the neckline of any tee shirt I am wearing, or in the front pocket of a collared shirt. I am well aware that it can be used as a weapon if I am in a location that does not allow CCW, and has a strong police presence.
walking sticks, umbrellas, golf clubs, canes, black jacks, asps, batons, tactical pens, tasers, and my favorite, a Shillelagh
Very disturbing video. If we are lucky, WTSHTF they will be dressed in all black and have the red bandanas on. I like the idea of quick target aquizition.
The nanny state at it's best--doing what comes natural--doing stupid things and expecting us to live by them.
What most people dont understand about the Second Amendment is the definition of"ARMS"!!The word"ARMS"as it was written by the Founding Fathers was all inclusive.Meaning knives,swords,tommahawk,spear,axe,stave,bow,crossbow,pistol,rifle,or anything else a man could carry as a weapon in defense of Home,and Country. What part of the phrase"The Right to Keep,and Bear Arms Shall Not be Infringed",is so hard for people to understand?? A simple Websters dictionary defines what each word means. Matt