Original Work The Stuarts of Texas

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by jim2, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    April 19th 1865 sometime after 11PM.

    Easing his line-back dun around behind the Union cavalry unit that had been pushing the Confederates so steadily the last several days,
    Sgt.Major Glass found a small copse of trees, dismounted and secured his horse with lightly knotted reins and a stern warning to “Stay”. Buck looked at his rider and shifted his weight to a relaxed position and began cropping the short grass available to him. Glass had removed his riding boots back at camp and now wore Comanche moccasins to make his silent entry into enemy lines.
    Checking his 9” razor sharp Bowie knife Glass moved forward at a crouch, then belly down to a crawl. Glass easily reached the units perimeter unseen and lay still for a few moments listening carefully for the sentries and the location of the picket lines. Finally after locating the closest sentry he wormed his way forward and came to a crouch just behind the small tree between he and the sentry.

    The sentry was either inexperienced or a sloppy soldier and he carried his carbine slung across his back instead of at the ready in both hands as he should have. Either way, the sentry would not live long enough to learn anything new. When the sentry stopped pacing and began staring up at the stars, Glass eased up behind him and reaching up with his left hand covering his victims mouth and nose while rotating the head to the left further exposing the neck as Glass kicked the back of the right knee making the sentry fall back into his grasp. Knife in the right hand, Glass pushed the blade thru the right side of the neck and out the left and cut out straight forward with one smooth motion. The sentry went unconscious immediately making no sound. Glass gently lowered the body to the ground and then moved forward toward the now exposed picket line.

    Gently using the blade Glass cut the rope picket line most of the way thru in the several places the line was supported by a stake or pole while soothing the horses with gentle hands and a low voice. That done, he headed back to the copse where Buck was tied, and remounted. “Ready for some fun Buck?” He asked. Buck nickered tossing his head soundlessly. Loosening the twin Remington revolvers in their holsters, Glass began to slowly move toward the camp. When appropriately near, Glass took the reins in his teeth, and spurred Buck into a dead run. Sentries loudly challenged him and a shot was fired. Sweeping thru the camp at a dead run, Glass began firing at any clear targets he had a chance to hit. Soldiers fell to the left and right as Glass fired the pistols alternately at available targets. The horses broke the picket line and began to stampede in every direction knocking men flying and wrecking equipment in their terror to get away. Two followed Glass on his way out of the camp further confusing the Union soldiers. Three men sprang out from behind a tent and leveled rifles at Glass who triggered a quick shot hitting a man in the head, and then they were clear of the camp running flat out for the Confederate lines.

    April 20th 1865

    “Guess I better get on with it” thought Col. Stuart as he stiffly moved out of his makeshift tent. Looking around, the Colonel saw his Sgt.Major, Glass saddling up the Colonels white Throughbred stallion. A private stood close by holding the reins to Glass Line-back Dun and a couple of other horses. “Mighty lucky I got him on loan from the Texas Rangers when I did.”

    Sgt Major Glass was brave to the point of recklessness, but had managed to pull the cavalry units fat out of the fire on several occasions. Totally calm under fire and a dead shot Glass was an asset that the colonel did not want to lose this late in the war. Glass had entered the War of Northern Aggression at the ripe old age of seventeen already an experienced Indian fighter. Having lived on the Edwards Plateau of Texas Glass had been fighting the Comanches from an early age and was plenty experienced in shooting accurately from horseback. In fact, he had been practicing this very thing last night on the Union cavalry unit that had been pressing his unit so hard the last few days.

    Rumor had it that Glass had eased up in the dark and used his razor sharp Bowie to cut the picket line the union horses had been tied to then silently move back to his Line-back Dun. Once mounted, Glass ran his horse hard into the enemy unit firing both 1858 Remingtons at anyone moving. Col Stuart smiled wryly and shook his head at the thought.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2024
    Srchdawg-again and Zimmy like this.
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Looking around and evaluating the men he had left, Col. Stuart noted that his unit was a sorry looking lot. Men and horses half starved, battered and or missing equipment, he did not see how these men had served so well, so effectively, and valiantly. It was amazing and the colonel was humbled by the spirit and professionalism his men displayed. His great desire was to not lose any more men than he was forced to. That made his next degrading task easier to attempt.

    “Sgt.Major! Is the detail ready to go?”
    “Yes Sir, everything is ready to go. Every man has two pistols, a shotgun, saber, and extra ammo as ordered. Further, every man has been instructed to remain silent no matter the provocation and to follow your lead unless you are shot or captured. Should that happen, they will shoot their way clear of the enemy formation and return to their unit reporting to Captain Kravitz to follow his orders.”

    “Sounds like everything has been properly prepared for. Where is the white flag?”

    All the men shifted their weight about and none would look the colonel in the eye. Col. Stuart knew that they abhorred the thought of a truce or surrender and that none could bring themselves to make one. Completely understandable.

    “ Sgt.. Kelly bring my white shirt and someone cut off that small tree branch right there and bring it to me.”
    This was quickly done and the colonel ordered a mount up and they slowly walked their scare crow horses towards the enemy unit a half mile away. Pvt. Blanchard took the truce flag from the colonel and trotted up ahead about 50 yds in front of the small cavalcade to keep the main body and the Colonel safe from any trigger happy soldiers. Waving the flag continually, Blanchard stopped at about 400 yds from enemy lines holding the flag high.

    Word of the Confederate activities was quickly passed and a runner was dispatched to notify Major Richards. Trail worn and aging, Major Richards was a little grumpy after the last nights raid, and had gotten little sleep.

    “What are the Confederates up to? Richards asked.

    “We don’t know sir, there are six men under a flag of truce standing out about 400 yards or so just waiting.” Replied Capt Tull. “Want us to see if we can pick off one or two before they get out of range?”

    “No , we need to see what they want. Hopefully, it is a surrender and we won’t have to further jeopardize any of our men on a depleted beaten unit that doesn’t know when to quit, they have hurt us too badly so far, and we need no more casualties.” Replied the Major. “Get an equal number of men, counting myself , mounted up so we can see what is going on. Make sure we have sufficient arms and ammo..”
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  3. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Major Richards might want to call up more than 6 Yankee cavalrymen, of course most cavalrymen weren't known for being smart!
    Zimmy likes this.
  4. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Hopefully, it can be made interesting. More day after tomorrow.

  5. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Easy there, you!

    My family has history in both Republic of Texas Rangers and US Cav in the olden days (lore).

    Papa Zimmy made air Cav cool in the late 60s and 70s. I was in a unit that won the Cav-Cup in Germany in the late 80s.

    Obviously, my family is blessed with looks, intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and abundant wealth at the cavalryman's level.....shit, that explains everything!
  6. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'm just saying, "6 Yankee cavalrymen?"! Even with Spencer's or Henrys, and on good mounts those are long odds, best have every man stand-to! I had two ancestors that rode with Forrest (4th ALA and 10th TENN), and for every Forrest there were 12 Custers. West Pointers were assigned according to their intelligence, smart ones went into the engineers and artillery, average students went into the infantry, and the dim ones went to the cavalry.:LOL: Besides Dec. 1864, is too early to quit, General Stand Watie didn't surrender until May of 1865!
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
    Zimmy likes this.
  7. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Thanks for the input. I will get more accurate on dates later so things blend properly.

    I was AirCav Recon for a few years.

    I have been using XXXX because I can’t think of a good name for this character. He is:
    5’10”, 170 lbs, Sandy hair, blue eyes, great solid soldier, honest, and a relentless killing machine when need be. Also an adrenaline junkie like the rest of us..
    Any suggestions?

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2023
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  8. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    XXXX’s horse stood to the left of and a little behind of his Colonel’s horse. He removed his gloves pocketed them, and opened his coat front revealing the two 1858 Remington revolvers. Rubbing his hands together and working the stiffness from the fingers while carefully watching the Union activity he had a cold revealing smile.

    Col. Stuart noticing this displayed a look of humor and asked; “You Texans surely do prefer your pistols don’t you?”

    Yes Sir, we do. Best thing in the world for close work if noise isn’t a problem. Of course, if shooting starts I’ll shoot the two closest to you, as will Johnson on the other side. You men make sure that those shotguns are tied to you or the saddle with piggin strings so they are not lost once expended and dropped to grab pistols.”

    “ Sgt. Major, you seem to feel that our Northern friends will be somewhat less than cordial today. Perhaps if you had let them sleep last night instead of raiding and pillaging they might be of a better disposition.”

    “Well Sir, I do like to see a man properly laid to rest when he needs it.” Replied XXXX. And, it do appear that our guests will arrive shortly. One of them is a big man with a bandaged head. Looks like my accuracy is slipping as I thought I got solid hits every time I fired.” XXXX grinned.

    “I’ve never seen you miss before, I guess this means no one is perfect.” Teased Johnson.

    “Well, if things get outa hand I might get a chance to rectify my error.” Said XXXX calmly while watching the approaching soldiers.

    “Let’s hope not, this war is all but done with most Confederate units captured or surrendered. I will only beg for a little time and space to avoid further bloodshed as we get closer to home.” Said Col. Stuart.

    “I ain’t taking no oath of loyalty to this bunch of tyrants and thieves. Besides, now would be a good time for me to cut for Texas as I will be needed there. I got a notion they are gonna punish the hell outa the South for daring to oppose them. The bankers are gonna want to keep making money one way or another, and we will be easy pickings once defeated.” Said XXXX.

    “Are you contemplating guerrella warfare Sgt. Major?” Asked Stuart.

    “Whatever needs to be done. I won’t be Reconstructed.” Replied XXXX

    There was a corous of assent from all the enlisted men to which the colonel said nothing.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
    Srchdawg-again and Zimmy like this.
  9. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Sounds more like April of 1865, mid to late April!
  10. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

  11. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    “Men, keep about six feet between you as we approach and when we reach the Confederates. No point in taking a round meant for someone else.” Said Major Richards. “Further, no one is to speak to them without my permission. I want no arguments or premature discharge of weapons, period! This means you too Sgt. Major.”

    Hendrix looked at Major Richards with barely concealed irritation and spat tobacco juice in the opposite direction and said; Understood Sir, but one of those Rebels was the one that raided us last night and nearly killed me, and I ain’t likely to be fergittin it any time soon.”

    “Just remain calm and be the professionals I know you men to be, and everything will work out well.”

    “Do you think they will be surrendering? “Asked one of the men.

    “Not likely, as they have had several chances to do so and happily refused, but we will know soon enough what they want.”

    “Getting nothing but hot lead or a rope from me.” said Hendrix.

    “Silence in the ranks!” Ordered Richards.

    The Union cavalrymen came to a halt immediately in front of the Confederate line. The Confederates had spread out a bit except for the two closest to the officer holding the flag. Col Stuart a full head taller than Major Richards sat his horse impassively as the Union line came to a halt then crisply saluted Major Richards as each commander evaluated his opponent and the salute was returned. XXXX surveyed the Union line and his dancing eyes came to rest on Hendrix and stopped. He did not like what he saw, a burly unkempt vicious eyed thug of obviously less than average IQ and a savage bully if allowed a free hand. Wish I had held my front sight a might lower last night, would’ve solved some future problems for decent folks in the future. Thought XXXX with a slight smile.

    This smile was noticed by Hendrix who had been looking for someone to blame for the crease in his head and the two holes in his hat. Pig eyes full of hate, Hendrix nudged his horse over in front of XXXX and was about to make a smart remark but was cut off curtly by his Major. Slightly amused and extremely calm, XXXX smiled and locked eyes with the bully Hendrix. Filled with hate, Hendrix surveyed this man that was 2/3 his size and felt an icey fear, knowing that this smaller man could and would kill him with the speed of a striking snake. XXXX’s hand were inches from his Colt Horse Pistols and he sat the dun with an unnatural calm.

    “Good Morning Major, fine day for a ride is it not?” Said Stuart as he extended his hand to shake.

    “Yes it is Sir, an uncommonly fine day so far.” Replied Richards.

    “I hope we haven’t inconvenienced you at this early hour unannounced as it were.”

    “No, no, not at all I was hoping for a chance to meet my brilliant adversary other than over the point of a saber.” Said Richards.

    “I myself had the same thought, and hoped that we might meet under pleasant circumstances to discuss a few matters. Said Stuart.

    “Oh?” Said Richards, What might these matters be?”

    “Well, as you are well aware, the war is all but over. Another few weeks and there will no longer be a Confederacy, and the fighting will cease, so I have come to you with a request.’

    Nodding somberly Richards asked “Have you come to ask for terms of surrender?”

    “No Sir, I have not. My men would refuse to surrender anyway, so I thought I might ask for some breathing room for the both of us. Like me, I am sure that you are tired of writing those letters to family back home explaining that their beloved son will not be coming home. We are not far from where I am reasonably sure a lot of surrenduring will take place,I thought it might be advantageous to both of us if we were pursued in a slightly less vigorous manner. I am further guessing that your higher command may be pressuring you for a quick victory, further complicating the matter.” Said Stuart.

    Major Richards pondered this for a moment knowing his Col. was not an aggressive soldier and would have no problems allowing a slower pursuit. Richards did not want to give away the store or come away looking bad, but being a decent man and very tired of the killing wanted to come to some sort of accommodation. This is a decent man, maybe something can be worked out thought Richards.
    Srchdawg-again and mysterymet like this.
  12. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Just get on with the shooting and dying!! Maj. Richards is gonna wish he had brung more men or one less!
  13. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Oh there will be plenty of killing and dying. Just hope I don’t get anyone freaked out or me kicked off the board.
  14. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Major Richards needing a little more time to think and began looking for a distraction. His eye fell on the Texas double cinch rig that XXXX had on his line-back dun.
    “Pardon me if I may, but where did your Sgt Major get that saddle? I have read that it is quite popular in Texas for working those dangerous Longhorns that are everywhere?”

    You have a sharp eye Major, Sgt. Major XXXX is from Texas, the West Central part I believe. He grew up a cowboy and frontiersman, and had joined the Texas Rangers only a few months prior to the beginning of hostilities. Currently he is on loan from Terry’s Texas Rangers. I think they foisted a trouble maker off on me” Stuart grinned slyly.

    “Is that true Sgt? Have you fought any of those bandits and Comanche Indians I’ve read about?” Richards asked excitedly.

    “Yes Sir I have chased both and fought both on quite a few occasions.” Replied XXXX. “ I survived the first raid on our family ranch at 12 years old, and 1-3 raids yearly since then.”

    “My, that is a lot of experience in a dangerous arena if I understand correctly.” Replied Richards. “How did you manage to survive?”

    “Well Sir my family has always been on the frontier, so we gained a bit of experience in various places. Thought, not all of us has survived the learning experience.”

    Looking somber, Richards nodded his head knowingly, and said. “Growing up quickly is never fun, and I can see that you have had a very rough life, though it doesn’t seem to have made you sour.”

    “Getting sour never accomplished anything, besides, it hasn’t been all bad, there have been some great times too.” replied XXXX

    “Please forgive me if this indelicate, as it is not mean’t to be, but I have been scheduled to a command in Texas after the war has been completed. We are expecting a lot of trouble from the Comanche. You evidently have quite a bit of applicable knowledge and experience that would be of value. I can offer you a position of Scout for quite a bit more than the Rangers could pay you, and you would be in no way be called upon to harass civilians or do anything beyond what you think right.” Said Richards.

    While Richards was speaking, XXXX had kept a pleasant look on his face, until the post war offer of employment was presented. XXXX eyes changed slightly but knowing what was at stake with Stuart’s cavalry unit he maintained a professional decorum and military bearing. Replying in a smooth even voice XXXX said “Major I do appreciate your kind offer, but I have to return to the family ranch, and there will be a lot of work to do on a 7,000 acre ranch. I am after all a cattleman at heart even though I do indulge in the occasional adventure.”

    Silently relieved, at the answer, Col. Stuart quipped “I am guessing the men will be relieved when they no longer have the Sgt. Major riding herd on them at night.” Which brought laughter from the assembled Confederate troops and Major Richards.

    While the conversation had been running Hendrix was growing more angry by the second. Why did the major keep talking to this rebel trash so politely? We should be hanging the lot of them or having some fun with a firing squad. That is what they deserve, and what they will get if I have anything to say about it!

    Pushing his horse around to get closer to the reb colonel, Hendrix released his holster flap and laid his hand on the pistol grip. “Major stop being nice to this murdering trash and make them either surrender, or shoot them down like the dogs they are! Death is all they deserve!”

    XXXX put a quarter turn on the dun, and the twin barrels of his shotgun settled unnoticed on the out of control Sgt. Major.

    Major Richards angered by the effrontery of his Sgt. Major shouted and drew his revolver pointing it at his Sgt. Major ordering him to stand down. The Major’s action caused the Confederates to swing shotguns up and bring hammers back at the same time covering the surprised union troops. Col. Stuart began screaming “Hold your fire!” Several times, and was barely able to control his troops. All the while XXXX had calmly sat his horse shotgun aimed at Hendrix, triggers pulled and thumb holding both hammers back, were he to be shot or knocked from the saddle, Hendrix would get both barrels of double ought buckshot right in the guts.

    Finally noticing XXXX shotgun Hendrix’s face went white and he began foaming at the mouth and sputtering.Seeing his man about to lose it and violate a truce, Richards slammed his revolver barrel across Hendrix’s face several times finally backing him up.

    “Col Stuart I sincerely apologize for this breech of etiquette. I have no desire to harass your troops and wish to come to a settlement with you concerning this matter if you are still interested” stated Major Richards.

    “I am Sir and suggest we settle the matter quickly before some other hot head spoils the effort for the rest of us.”
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  15. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Like I said, One man too many! But what can you expect from Yankee Trash!
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Thank you! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
    jim2 likes this.
  17. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    So Maior Richards is to assume a command in Texas after the War, that is if his own Sgt. Major doesn't kill him first! I don't envy Major Richards, Mexican banditos on one side, Comanches on the other, and carpetbaggers, scalawags and unreconstructed Confederates! Remember what Yankee General Sheridan said about Texas and Hell?
  18. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Yes, I envision Richards as a decent sort not given to the kind of pettiness so often demonstrated by lesser men when they find themselves in complete control.
  19. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Still, he's gonna find himself in trouble up to his chin-strap!
  20. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Got a little case of writer's block, have we?
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