Original Work The Unwelcome Sign

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by Zengunfighter, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. 44044

    44044 Monkey+++

  2. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Uh…did I miss something? Why are the lights going on…it ain't over yet…NO, say it ain't so, say it…NEXT! ;-)

    Now, with the very least amount of editing and maybe putting a few of the non PC remarks that have to be there…back into the story, the book is ready for the press…an don ve forget de pictures, illustrations & maps! I'll be proud to buy a copy and put it on the shelf to read again later…and look at the pictures of course…cause by then Book II will be under way and I still don hafs de coin purse and sheet!
  3. Zengunfighter

    Zengunfighter Monkey+++

    Yup. Full circle. I'm hoping when people come to the end they will start reading the first chapter again to see what happens ;)
  4. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Wonderful Zen... this is right up there with Alas Babylon... Lights Out...
    Can't wait for Book II, and the resolution of the Toad... (For Keith's sake... otherwise, I think he may go all 'Shocka' on ya... )
    tedrow42 likes this.
  5. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Dang bagpiper: "Alas Babylon" is really dating yo own self an all dat sheet n stuff! ;-)
    CrufflerJJ likes this.
  6. tedrow42

    tedrow42 Monkey+

    The only thing that aint consistent is at the begining it says they where patrolling but they had warnings
  7. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    There is a 'game of attention with deliberate action' found in the "Way of Zen" and it is apparent throughout this story…and truly a good path to travel; but never mind all dat sheet and stuff, I still want my change purse an sum Zeds to put in it! ;-)
    tedrow42 likes this.
  8. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Yeah... well... Zen has 'The Knack' of some 'real' writers, reflecting reality in a way that is entertaining, and thought provoking... I was going to mention Atlas Shrugged, since, we are already kinda living in the novel... but, I liked this one more than Rand's opus. (It was much too much of a 'sell job' for her philosophy of Objectivism. It has also birthed a new generation of greedy robber barons justified by their Goddess of Greed; Ayn Rand. ) What little philosophical meandering Zen inserts, is succinct and easily absorbable in the context of events...
    The Way of Zen, is... well... the Zen of Tribes. Which incorporates Rand, without all the justification for individualized greed, that feeds the insecurity and hubris of the very rich, who need power and control. Instead, showing the necessity of self interest as it relates to the entire community. While also showing the end game of the collective mind, power and control. As a bonus, we see the mind of purest evil, that it is all about power and control. In this regard, proving that ideologies, both left and right, always end up the same way because they have one hidden agenda; To end up owning everything, and pronouncing themselves to be Boss. Thus, ideology (and centralized governments) induces blindness, promotes conflict and division, and prevents pure thinking, is evil.

    As I sit and watch Ferguson MO burn, I see that this began, at almost the exact moment the Black Caesar addressed the nation over something that he should have just kept his mouth shut. I see this happening all over the country, and hear a man in the White House, making the same noises of others about the need to do something about a police force, that they themselves turned into a military force by paying for all their toys. And on the same day, the SecDef is fired.(sic) Are we witnessing a consolidation of power? Dunno, but Shocka and the Black Caesar are loose upon the streets, and I'm beginning to feel like the cheese in the sandwich as I now pick up an increased attitude on the part of blacks in this area. You can see hate in a persons eyes, if you yourself, have 'eyes that see'.

    This novel should be called; Alas America... and the Way of Zen, is the Way of Tribes, and that may be, The Way of the Future.
    Tully Mars and magicfingers like this.
  9. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Well put bagpiper, well put indeed. It is a great family story; family being defined as that group of people with whom it is pleasurable to survive (biology has very little to do with it). A healthy family always evolves into tribalism which is dependent upon stability and agreement to continue successfully must be racially, religiously, politically, culturally, and ethically stable within itself whatever those parameters may be…I have enjoyed 'the way of Zen' because it teaches focus and attention right up until they throw in Budda and screwed the pooch with another 'religion' amounting to the same faults found in all 'religion' wherein the chanting of chants, banging head on the floor, self torture, etc., are all traded fro matters of Faith which has nothing to do with the "churchanity" of organized religions.

    Remembering the Watts Riots in LA, CA, as I watched the fool in our White House set the course for more of the same to follow as 'he' seeks his vengeance upon all of US…a vengeance founded in the white hot heat of racial hatred fueled by Saul Alansky, Jeremiah Wright, William Aires, all manner of secular Jews who lost faith in anything long ago, and the excitement of pure greed…greed leading to this race war that has been brewing all of my life and is quite a way from running its course and "staying the course" as the etc., fool in our White House put it; Even the mayor of my own city, Seattle, came out and accused the police Officer of murdering the thug Michael Brown.

    "History" has a way of molding the moment and we truly are much within the confines of our self made 'mold' and about the only thing that could make a change, a drastic change, would be the collapse of our economical and political system which could be brought on by current and obvious event…much as Zenshooter describes in "The Unwelome…." Small acts to correct and repair our national problem: Executing Lincoln by CSA members to restore the Confederacy after loosing; the Execution of JFK by the Minutemen for his treason(s) and lies, the current racist war against US all by lesser folk who we have allowed to rule over US…never lead to the desired effect of the actors involved.

    Hail, I just got out of bed, what do I know of any of this? Well…maybe a little because I was there for some of it but the truth is it is time for more coffee; an I bez wat'n fo dat coin purse and all dat sheet & stuff.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2015
    magicfingers likes this.
  10. Toad

    Toad Monkey+

    I really enjoyed the story, now how about having someone make up some Zed coins we could buy so you can print Unwelcome Sign and start on book two. Maybe a limited edition challenge coin with info where the book can be purchased.
    Tully Mars likes this.
  11. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Print a 'Kindle' version through Amazon…and you b on de rut ta fame an all dat sheet & stuff ;-)
  12. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    Thank you for your hard work! Truly an epic work!
  13. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    Dang! I still don't haves me da scrotum bag coin purse…double dang! ;-)

    Zen…I have to thank you for getting me to read a 'book(s)' again, something more than just postings. At 75 I get a little lazy sometimes and will just 'watch' the story instead of letting my mind get into it…good job sir, good job indeed! 1653598_10152758811479906_7609142873708544842_n.
    GOG likes this.
  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Zen, I had to skip ahead to the end of this thread to be sure you know there are still new readers excited about your writing.

    I'm still reading, somewhere back around day 19 now. Stuck at home after surgery for a cat bite, I'm trying to catch up with the story while living the reality of antibiotics, drug allergies, and dressing changes.

    I have read loads of exciting stories, and I'm surrounded by hundreds of my favorite books. When you publish The Unwelcome Sign I will certainly be eager to have a signed first edition to add to my library. Your ability to get inside the feelings of your characters, have them speaking as people really speak and experiencing conflicting emotions has made for some of the most realistic scenes I have read in a long time. Your knowledge of stuff I'm familiar with (military leadership & tactics, firearms, cisterns, and gardening) have been spot on. I even learned a few new good habits from Zed, and got a chuckle out of a few we share.

    Outstanding work!

    USMC (Retired)
    GOG likes this.
  15. Zengunfighter

    Zengunfighter Monkey+++

    GOG likes this.
  16. Tywin Lannister

    Tywin Lannister Monkey+

    Please post in this thread when book is available. I'm watching this thread but don't spend much time on forums. Do check your YouTube channel every now and then.
  17. Zengunfighter

    Zengunfighter Monkey+++

    Will do. I imagine it will be some months down the line. Earliest would be eBook on amazon, but even then, I still need to spend some time on rewrites and editing. But I'll do everything I can to let you know when it is for sale.
    Toad and GOG like this.
  18. Keith Gilbert

    Keith Gilbert Monkey+++

    The sequel is d bong an alls dat sheet & stuff. ;-)
  19. Dallanta

    Dallanta Monkey+

    Whew, that was some story. I just finished it. Thank you, I enjoyed it very much. Somehow I had missed it and came across the story a few days ago.
    john316 and Tully Mars like this.
  20. Zengunfighter

    Zengunfighter Monkey+++

    You are very welcome. Probably better that you found it late so it was complete and you're didn't have t wait for the next instalment.
    Have you found the sequel?
    tedrow42 likes this.
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