A survey of active duty marines administered bya masters' candidate.It asked constitutionally based questions about firing on American citizens who refuse to disarm...and violations of posse commitatus. from jfpof( jews for the preservation of firearms.) Firing on U.S. Citizens? While all of the questions in this survey should have stimulated concern, the survey's final question has generated an enormous amount of attention: The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.The survey results: 42.3 percent strongly disagreed with this statement; 19.3 percent disagreed; 18.6 percent agreed; 7.6 percent strongly agreed; and 12.0 percent had no opinion. In one of the footnotes appearing in his thesis, Cunningham quotes comments placed by some of the Marines next to their answers to this question: "What about the damn Second Amendment? .... I feel this is a first in communism! .... Read the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen." "I would not even consider it. The reason we have guns is so that the people can overthrow the gov't when or if the people think the gov't is too powerful." "Freedom to bear arms is our Second Amendment. If you take our Amendments away then you can take this job and stick it where the sun don't shine! .... It is a right to own firearms for defense (2nd Amendment); I would fight for that right!" Based on the disagreement expressed by 61 percent of the Marines, Cunningham concluded that "a complete unit breakdown would occur in a unit tasked to execute this mission." more at: http://www.jpfo.org/articles-assd/29palms-mcmanus.htm
Personally, it is my belief that if such a scenario should ever arise, that the non-compliant groups would be painted with a tar-brush that would render them (us) enemies of the state and more evil than the meth-manufacturing child molesting cultist in that church down in Texas and I have no doubts that the marines would almost without exception, follow their orders and fire on the evil insurgents. That is why we have wars going on today with "insurgents" rather than enemy combatants; look up the definition of insurgent.
We need not fear our own troops. If any kind of tyrannical laws are to be enforced it would no doubt be by foriegn "peace keepers". I think this about sums it up.
62% of Marines would become traitors? I wonder about that, given the indoctrination they get. That said, the odds are that the other services would be even less likely to come over to the dark side with us. That said, I think we outnumber all five services. What we lack is the tactical training they get.
I was impressed with the few of the handwritten comments in the margins he documented were very constitutionally aware.
Not to mention being 21,daily P.t.and organization. I just wheeled the trash out, its COLD(+24; first snow, by Feb +24 will feel positively "balmy"...) ,SNOWING to beat hell, and the idea of grabbing a ruck/weapon and heading out into the night is not at all appealing.Say what you will.call me up around may15th...
the main problem is the lack of any unified "we" in this scenario. are severe firearms restrictions alone enough to create resistance organizations with mass support? probably not i dont think. however, i think it extremely unlikely that such will be the first measure in any far reaching curtailment of freedoms. in fact, it would probably happen towards the end. support for gun rights is solid enough nationally that significant numbers of people would need to be disenfranchised first. the Us military is about 3,000,000 strong including reservists. the US has 300,000,000 citizens spread out across almost 4 million square miles. even assuming 0 soldiers jump ship, the situation for team .gov is bleak at best if people really decide that they need to go.
But, there is a "bright side " to all of this.... The local PD and the Sheriff's deputies are in accordance with the general population...They also have the same firearms, and would not allow them to be "taken", in most circumstances anyway. I'd say that 80% or more of those in uniform on the street today are ex-military.... Now I'll have to approach a few I know and ask them what their feeiling are on this.
I still don't believe that we would have much to fear from our own troops. Most of them are very patriotic. You have a percentage that are urban, inner city, that joined only to escape thier situations and are vaquely aware of our constitutional rights. Those we would have to worry about but thankfully they are the minority in the services. When I was actively involved in the Patriot/Militia movements in the 90's, before the demonization campaign, I would say a large majority of members were either former or current military. We had local Sherriffs, deputies, and politicians attending our meetings and supporting or actually joining groups around the country. There were reports of clandestine groups organized among active military units. There is even a Clinton era Whitehouse briefing paper on the subject and how much of a threat that it may be. There were unsubstantiated reports during the Clintonista years of large sections of the Special Forces community, specifically the 82'nd Airborne that were openly letting it be know that they would not enforce any gun confiscation laws and would join the citizenry against any such actions. There were several documents and reports during that time, many of course that cannot be confirmed as genuine, but nonetheless too many to be complete fabrication, that showed the administration was very concerned about an uprising among the military. And the people today are far more galvanized against and aware of government abuses than they were back then. I am not involved any longer and don't have the contacts I did back then but I would guess that the mlitary is far more aware today.
Predators are flown from office cubicles by video-trained warriors playing pac-man and its too late to say "Told ya so" when lying on the ground bleeding.We'll end up on you-tube in NV green with a heavy metal sound-track.
The question of unguided, unorganized and not in a command structure individual action has not been addressed by the predator boys. A missile is a pretty expensive way to take out an individual --. And, if I read the tea leaves right, that will be a far more common way for the future survivors to bring an action. It's called terrorism when the bad guys do it, can't help wondering what label will attach itself to the good guys (patriots) activities.
+1, I likeyour creative reference there,...I was thinking about that too but with the the cobra/apache flir gun cams...
takeyour pick: " anti-progressive,domestic terrorists;counter revolutionary insurgents hopelessly hungup on the constitution...( "regressives"?)...we wouldn't be considered "good guys". by the "progressives'" right Ivan?.
depends who you mean by progressives. the left half of the capitalist party(occasionally called "democrats")? no definitely not. we the far left? i dunno. "least bad guys" maybe. depends very much on how and why such a revolt begins.
Well it seems to me as a student of history, there are only two possibilities with minor variations. 1. the government will falsify some pretext to attack us radicals, and truely light the fuse of revolution. Or 2. some totally wacked out individual on one side or the other will do something stupid with the death toll on the scale of Timothy Mcveigh that lights the fuse. Hopefully we only endure 37 months or so more of this nonsense and then we will be rid of the Kenyan in a peaceful manner. But then, I said the same about Slick Willy Clinton during his 1st term. and still with all the lying and laying and cigar smoking he did a second term.... there is no way to figure out what the dumb masses will do.
heh. the gun rights question aside, if the goal is "getting rid of the kenyan" then no, probably not gonna have much sympathy from les communards.
"the left half of the capitalist party(occasionally called "democrats")?" interesting viewpoint...I never would a thought of that in quite that manner.
I like it: "Dumb Masses" I've got to remember that one! On a more Personal note, I'm not a radical, maybe a bit strange, perhaps a little to somewhat anti-social, certainly not paranoid nor delusional.... But,.... did you see the weird blue and green lights up in Norway? I mean: "beam me up snotty"! I swear it appears to be a focused, but spiraling beam, of either ion energy or something powerful as all get out! Maybe the Kenyan is about to be beamed up? Nah, we are NOT that lucky! Perhaps a scientific weather control experiment ? www.yr.no see that second photo, BTW my norweigan linguistics suck....! Bill