the29 palms questionaire

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Tango3, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    But of course they did....
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    The 29 Palms survey was given May 10, 1994 and to my knowledge, hasn't been given since unless it has recently been resurrected.
  3. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer


    Twenty-Nine Palms Survey:
    What Really Motivated Its Author?

    by John F.McManus (from The New American)

    [Sidebar to Cover Story “I am Not a UN Soldier”
    by William Norma Grigg]
    TNA / October 2, 1995
    (p. 6)

    you would be correct Sea, .. missed that...[beat][beat][beat]
  4. Tackleberry

    Tackleberry Krieg Hündchen

    I took a similar survey at Fort Hood in the mid-late 1990's. Is this type of survey floating around again?

    For some reason, these questions tend to come up when there is a lefty in office.
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Sounds like it's all old news; apologies..(first time I'd seen it).
  6. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read that as 62% of Marines would NOT fire on Americans.

    I firmly believe that if such an event would happen in the USA, the military would not be the primary force in implementing such an unconstituntional law, it would be federal law enforcement.

    Furthermore, there would be no such law enacted on it's surface. It would be a far more seductive law, or series of laws which lead us to that point. The first would be an AWB which assumes the 2nd amendment is about sporting firearms. Next, would be a series of non-congressional decisions by the department of justice, and the department of commerce deciding what firearms would be considered for "sporting" use, and therefore what could be imported or transported across state lines. Next, would become a federal mandate that state governments outlaw the sale and posession of non-sporting firearms, with the threat of public safety funding over their heads (the same way they got .08 as the federally recognized level for DUI--- highway dollars).

    When the Federal Govt starts withholding dollars, the states will comply.

    The BATFE will be the ones who raid your houses, not the USMC.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Just how many Federal Law enforcement officers do you think there are? I will even allow you to add in all State and Local Law enforcement as well. Now how many? No less than 1 in 3 citizens of the USA are gun owners. It no less than half of the American gunowners fiercely object to the confiscation of firearms in the USA then that comes to about 40 million angry gun owners. Gun owners easily outnumber All military, Federal, State, and Local Law enforcement combined.
    Now, if you throw in the fact that poles show that a large percentage of the Military support the Constitution and gun rights and would refuse to take up arms against the population in a situation such as gun confiscation, how does that affect your thoughts as stated above?
    I believe Martial Law, and Gun confiscation will be the torch of fire that lights the bonfires of Revolution, ... if it ever comes to that. JMHO of course ... others may believe otherwise. [flag]
  8. Akheloce

    Akheloce Monkey++

    You're missing my point

    If it ever happens, it will not be an all out martial law, door to door confiscation of weapons. It will be a slow erosion process. The feds will pass laws that slowly restrict more and more the freedom to own (or more accurately purchase and/or buy ammo for) "particular types" of weapons. Over the years the laws will become more and more restrictive to the point where the average joe would not be able to afford to own "non-sporting" weapons.

    That's what I mean when I say Federal Law Enforcement will take them, not the Military.

    Just a little trivia for you all... did you know that shotguns are illegal, and only certain "types" of shotguns are specifically and expressly permitted to be owned by the Attorney General? (National Firearms Act definition of a destructive device)
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Yes indeed, most accurate. [applaud]

    The Gov doesn't have to make firearms/weapons illegal immediately and call for confiscations. All they really have to do is continue their incremental tightening of regulations over our lives. I wouldn't doubt that gun owners would have to pay extra tax, or if they keep going as they are, only preachers and law enforcement personnel will qualify because just about any crime would disqualify you. Actually, it's already to the point where the regulations on sales is so strict (pennsylvania especially), that if the "system" crashes (computers) -no sales can be made because all stores/vendors MUST comply with State law and do an automatic BG check with State Police. Now...imagine what would happen if the government decided to just stop working for a little while? When most citizens are turned into criminals, who will own all the guns? If you are pulled over, and guns found in your car which aren't registered -guess what happens to you? Yup. Guns seized, you are fined and most likely jailed. Not every state is like this...YET.

    Let's be 100% realistic, no speculation. Beginning with legislature, our laws change day by day. Slowly the individual States adopt these statutes and enforce them. Over time, the people either OBEY or they are fined, arrested, harassed, taxed, and persecuted for simply exercising their rights. Slowly, the traditional authority erodes until only tyranny remains.

    And shall we even mention the HAARP arrays and the weather control? What happens during a state or federally declared emergency? Remember hurricane Catrina? Do you REALLY think that we aren't going to see more catastrophe's in the future? Civil disobedience, riots, gangs, food shortages, protests, robberies, a few shootings and -BAM!

    The door is closed forever.

    The troops would be used to police the areas and to maintain control over major travel points; keeping YOU where they need you to be. They will also handle search missions to discover the "terrorists" hidden in your back yard or in the neighbor's home. The alphabet agencies and local law enforcement, along with private contracted gestapo are the ones who will gladly shoot you on sight and confiscate your weapons.

    When the stage is set, all it will take is a single catalyst to set it all into high gear.
  10. JTClimber

    JTClimber Monkey++

    I live in 29 Palms and work on the base, and I can guarantee you that you have nothing to fear from the majority of Marines here.
  11. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    you're right, it isn't the 1st they'd do, they've already aced the 4th, and some of the 1st. There are a few more they've been eradicating slowly and quietly already, so ok the 2nd isn't the first but it'll be the last.

    My prediction is like in twilight 2000, some units would mutiny some wouldn't, there'd be zones of control across the US for both sides and open fighting here and there.
  12. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    See how long DC, NYC, et al last once we cut the supply lines from the farms........ [freedom]
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