Their Paradigm.

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by VisuTrac, Oct 15, 2011.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    No, SC, I see the paradox. I see the entire ridiculous paradox and set of events that brought us here. Under our Constitutional right to request a redress of grievances from our Government, we have been rebuked. Many times.
    When is it you, me, or any of us say - enough talk? Talk has gotten us exactly nowhere. That is the case here. We have tried he protesting, the rallies, and the voting. Still the legislation like the NDAA gets passed, the FBI defines who and what a "terror suspect" is.

    This is no longer a grievance, and I am sorry if you see it as such. This has passed into the realm of tyranny and subjugation. Of fear and loathing.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    you gonna fight stealth bombers, cruise missiles, and armed drones with deer rifles?
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Hell a bunch of backwards Middle Easterners have for 10 years. Armed with AKs for the most part.

    As for fighting them, no. Never ever go toe to toe with a superior force. Use stealth, guerrilla tactics and guile. Take a page from the Viet Cong, the North Koreans, the "terror" groups we have been fighting, without decisive victory for 10 years. It is hard, but not impossible.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Even zero and his minions have to realize that a bomb that takes out one or two squirrel riflemen is a pretty low return on investment. His logistical problem will be producing enough bunker busters to smack down X million widely spread out shooters. It won't be done from the air unless stupidity reigns on the ground and the tribes bunch into large targets. It will be not quite hand to hand, but will surely be in small arms ranges.

    I have to admit that the Cong and the CJs had outside help. I do not know if we'll be able to find any.
    tacmotusn and Falcon15 like this.
  5. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    guerilla warfare has its roots on american soil guys
    our ancestors invented it to fight the brittish
    and its high time we reinvented it for modern use
    when it comes down to fighting here i think the gov may be the ones
    needing help and lots of it
    tacmotusn likes this.
  6. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Therein lies my main problem with them, I don't see them as taking a stand on anything, because I haven't heard any concrete 'manifesto' from them. If they want SUCCESSFUL protesting, they need to have a clear set of not only their grievances, but of solutions as well. Taunting police, trashing property, demanding freebies, and tieing up city resources is not going to endear them to most people. They are misguided, and I'm not the kind of person who suffers fools easily.

    And I'm not afraid to turn into my parents. I got nothing against my parents. I got something against how full of crap I used to be. And it just freaks me out occassionally to realize I'm getting that OLD!
    STANGF150 likes this.
  7. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    plack on my moms wall...
    "We are making a debt for our children to pay
    economists groan as they say it
    we even seem to be finding a way
    to create enough children to pay it"

    that was from the 60's
    from what i see lately tho we aint making as many children
    as obama makes debt
  8. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    All things evolve, and most eventually devolve. Our Government is devolving into Socialism and Marxism.
    The OWS 'movement' is devolving into terrorism - squatting in a park holding a sign - 'Protest'. I don't agree with them totally, but if they want to waste their time there, have at it.
    Shutting down shipping all down the West coast - THAT is criminal and terroristic. The ones taking part in that should be jailed.
    The 535 terrorists taking this nation over the brink should be jailed too, BEFORE we have to go to extremes. The ONE in the Whitehouse - well, y'all know my views on that criminal puppet.
    Falcon15 likes this.
  9. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    One's education shouldn't end with graduation from formal education facilities...
    VHestin and Falcon15 like this.
  10. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    Offhand, sir, it seems that OWS is protesting not being given something, while us seasoned flatulences protest having what we've earned being taken away. Small case in point, for those not yet on social security (which I "contributed to" for 54 years)... I still work, and my SS income is federally taxed as ordinary income, effectively cutting it by 25 to 30 percent.
  11. limpingbear

    limpingbear future cancer survivor....

    beats using shoot the right targets with those deer rifles, there wont be any stealth fighters or drones to worry about...
    tacmotusn likes this.
  12. Midnightblue72

    Midnightblue72 Monkey++

    Yeah and having people who DO NOT want to be there and are forced into military service would create mayhem and destroy the effective fighting force we have today. Then again, I'm just a lowly former Army MP who works for the the fifth largest county in the US, what I know. :)
  13. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    Maybe not so much. My first tour of active duty was in 1961; maybe 40% of the service was conscripted then... most didn't like getting their "Greetings - your friends and neighbors have selected you to... ."

    But almost all of them acclimated to the fact once inducted, since that was the way life was. And probably caused less trouble once on active duty than average volunteers, statistically.

    American youth has gotten so gutsoft that any imposition is considered reason for revolt by many. Witness OWS, and their outrage at not receiving a company car and a corner office with large windows upon graduation.
    oldawg, STANGF150, mysterymet and 4 others like this.
  14. Midnightblue72

    Midnightblue72 Monkey++

    Huge difference in the overall mentality of Americans in 1961 compared to today. My dad was a Korean war and Viet Nam war vet and spoke about how dramatic the overall attitude of the draftees.

    I may get flamed but many people who are 18-25 dont wrap themselves in the Stars and Stripes and blindly follow the word of the govt, many understand what's really going on and if they are forcefully conscripted, you would have an entire block of personnel questioning EVERYTHING from orders to instructions.
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  15. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    It's true not everyone is cutout for military service, but I believe today's youth have a far smaller percentage of those suitable - the rest can't get the cell phones and MP3 ear buds outta their ears, and can't take being offline or away from their game box for more than an hour. 13 weeks of bootcamp would turn them into quivering masses of useless flotsam - well, more useless than they already are.
    So those that do serve in the military and do their duty are to be lauded. I know not all here look well upon the military, but it was a huge part of my early life, and had a large part in molding my values and personal outlook on life. For the positive, I think......
    I did see several disturbed young men turned around and became very productive citizens after serving their country rather than simply taking from it.
  16. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    That's true. 18 - 25-year-olds now know everything.

    That's why that particular demographic voted overwhelmingly for an unvetted illegal alien who is ripping this country apart.

    You have obviously never served. "... questioning "EVERYTHING" from orders to instructions... ." would get a DI's boot so far up your ass that you'd choke on the laces. Your daddy never spanked you, did he !
    tulianr, Cephus, STANGF150 and 2 others like this.
  17. Midnightblue72

    Midnightblue72 Monkey++

    I actually did serve, in 1985 I went to OSUT basic at Ft. Mcclellan and graduated from MP school. My statement regarding "questioning "EVERYTHING" from orders to instructions" pertained to conscripted or draftees if the draft was was implemented. A moron with 3rd grade education can pull up the UCMJ and determine that at no time can an NCO in ANY capacity, instructor or otherwise, use physical force upon an enlisted person especially in a training capacity.

    A Dsgt or DI can yell and scream all he wants but "Putting a boot so far up your ass that you'd choke on the laces" is beyond laughable and he would end up standing tall in front of the man with UCMJ charges. We did what we were told because we asked to be there and did as instructed because we wanted to change our lives. I'd say someone has watched one to many "Full Metal Jacket" reruns or for some reason thinks it's still 1961.

    I am assuming your statement regarding my father is a joke, since you have no idea what you are speaking about. I prefer to proudly speak of my father's service as a decorated Korean war vet (Drafted) and a decorated VietNam war vet with a 22 year career. I would appreciate it if you left personal comments about me or my father off the board.

    As for me, you know nothing about me and making ill informed broad statements regarding how I was raised, well, makes you look very unintelligent. Just FYI, I have served the people of this nation on some level since the age of 18 years old and have a 25 year career with a county law enforcement agency in the 5th largest county in the US and 9 year career in the US Army Reserves.

    Protecting our nation and protecting the US Constitution cannot be done well by those forced to do it, I didnt write the Constitution but took TWO oaths to protect and defend it with my life and volunteered to do it.

    Sapper John, tacmotusn and BTPost like this.
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Hey folks, Let us all not engage in personal inferences, on others posts. That kind of thing just isn't Monkey Like, and not to be encouraged here on the forums..... .....

    PS.... I personally, THANK ALL, who served, and still serve the Public.....
  19. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Yep. Time to take it down a notch. We can disagree and debate but we don't get personal.
  20. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Don't know how I missed this before. First and foremost, the government actually does none of the above directly. What happens is the those who work and produce are robbed by the government so they can influence those who don't by redistributing the money collected from those who work and produce. Any small amount that any who work and produce get back in any way above is fully deserved. The problem is that there are now more sucking at the government tit than there are providing feed for that cow. In case all that went over anyones head ..... the farmer who feeds the cow, first and foremost deserves the milk and by products for his family. Those who do not work or farm and only have their hand out deserve cow crap! No where in the Constitution does it say that taxes are to be redistributed wealth for the nonproductive needy of the nation and the world! Nothing is wrong with charity, but it is not supposed to be at the point of a gun from our own government.
    BTPost likes this.
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