I can almost guarantee that there is something missing from your survival kit. During my time educating myself about Prepping and being ready for worst-case scenarios, I have noticed that lots of the Survival Kit retailers don't offer proper solutions for AFTER a nuclear disaster or dirty bomb. THe thought of death by radiation chills me to my core-- and I am not satisfied with only having "Iodine Pills" on hand in the case of a nuclear event. We must focus on DECONTAMINATING our shelters. I know, I know, I am not trying to just sell a product here. I am pointing out that people need to know about how to decontaminate surfaces from nuclear fallout, hazardous chemicals, etc. Yes, my site offers a solution. If you want to talk about my decon product-- please feel free to get in touch with me. survivetheblast@gmail.com
I have to ask...just what are you selling as a radiation decon agent? There are several types depending on not only nuclear decon, but for other agents that you may come in contact with as well. Some are sodium chlorite ( bleach) in a 12:1 ratio for some agents, some are a solution of sodium bicarbonate ( arm & hammer type) for others. Most anti- or decons for radiation consist of several different cleansing agents, such as liquid soaps.....(external use only) of course!