They know what you are doing inside your house.

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by VisuTrac, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    Witch Docter, Is that with the shiney side in or the shiney side out?...seesaw
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    So far, they still have to stop off and read my meter (about every two months, the off month is {estimated.") Hope it stays that way.

    So, we know of transmitters in the 1 watt and 3 watt levels. What might be the range where they can be heard? Do they get turned off between readings or continuously transmit, and what exactly does get transmitted? Who's paying for the transmitter power when no one is listening? Or, who's listening when the power company isn't?
  3. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Apparently continuous transmit to other meters in the area and loop back to a pole mounted transmitter to the base station...
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Well, Not Exactly.... The Meter is NOT an FCC License Free Device. (CFR47Part15) These are licensed to the Utility, on the same FCC License that they USE for SCADA, Power Dispatching, and talking to their Maintenance Trucks, and People. Establishing a Interfering Signal would bring the local Utilitys Comm Guys down on you like a Ton of Bricks, with them would come the FEDs, who do NOT take kindly to violations of the Communications Act of 1934 as Amended. All these new Meters, are Transponders that talk back to a Base Server at the local SubStation. It then sends the data over either Fiber, or SCADA, back to the Power Dispatch Center, and from there to the Billing System. If a bunch of meters just go off-line in the same area, they will be looking for the reason, real quick. I would be more interested, in finding out if the 3 Watts was being tapped off BEFORE, or AFTER, the Power Senser. ..... YMMV....
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Good Luck to you Sapper. If I had one of these meters, I'd buy a signal sweeper, find out what freq they were on.

    if it in band i could 'listen' to with my computer with snort installed i think i might just have to play a bit.
    Sapper John likes this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    oh it couldn't be all bad

    Oh it couldn't be all bad could it?

    hopefully the meter isn't on a bedroom wall.[tf]
  7. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    Bump...the main man at the power company I was to meet with this past week (made an appointment) was not available, seems he decided to go on vacation...well, it's time to start bugging the crap out of some folks with phone calls and e-mails...
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I suspect that much of the stuff posted on Youtube about this issue is Tinfoil Hat Hype, as I doubt that MOST of these so-called "Smart Meters" are really as smart as they are made out to be. If you have Dumb Appliances, it is going to take a MASSIVE Computing capability, and use a FFT DSP System, to determine the difference between a dryer motor, and a furnace motor, that are basically the same Horsepower, and why would the Power Company, or anyone else CARE, which one and when it ran? I put most of this HYPE in the same class, as the HYPE about much of the worlds technology, in that the purveyors of this stuff, are really paranoid personalities, and also do NOT have the technical skills to understand the technology they are speaking about. The whole idea that these things communicate back down the power-lines to Load Dispatch Center, is a fallacy in and of itself, as the RF can't get by the First Transformer, without MAJOR changes in the distribution network. That upgrade alone would cost them MILLIONS of Dollars. The typical way for these to communicate is with LOW Bandwidth RF signals that talk back to a Base Tx/Rx Box at the local Substation, that then communicates back to the Load Dispatch Center over the fiber that carries all the Remote Monitoring & Control Systems for the subStation. This type of system is setup as a Meter Based Transponder, and when the Meter receives a Polling Signal, from the SubStation, it dumps it's information back to the subStation Box. Since this is a LOW Bandwidth System, they can NOT be sending a lot of data over the RF link, as they have thousands of customers on each subStation, and there is only so much time in the day. Also consider that these will only work well, if the substation serves a relatively SMALL Service Area, as the Maximum RF Power is only 3 Watts, and there are NO External Antennas, allowed in this service, so range is limited to a couple of miles MAX. If you live more than that from your subStation, you aren't going to be worried about Smart Meters. Just my Opinion.... YMMV....
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I am not too sure about this, but at one point the idea was for the meter reader to drive past and poll the transmitter with a specific location code. At the time this "knowledge" was imparted to me it wasn't possible to transmit back over the incoming power lines due to pole mounted transformers. That may no longer be true, [dunno]

    NOWHITEFLAG Live Free or Die Trying

    So what if they know,
    Prepper/Survivalist, RedNecks,Good-Ol-Boys and Don't Forget the "Country Boys" with their shotguns,45s and four wheel drives that know how to survive,out number them significantly. That is why BarryO came up with his idea for a modern civilian army,Kind of puts you in mind of Hitlers "brown shirts". It is NO accident that the SP/Liberal-Dems are promoting class warfare. So if there are any out there that still don't understand, here goes, NO matter how little you have or think you have there is always someone who has less.So that puts you into the category of the HAVES. Do Not Kid yourselves Barry is not a socialist, he is a communist.Re-Distributing wealth isn't socialism, it is a foundational pillar of communism. Way back(30+) years ago in an Economics class in college, My instructor was explaining the different governments/economies. And this best describes what he said. A socialist is a communist that wears a suit and carries a brief case instead of wearing fatigues and caring an AK-47. His job is to negotiate the surrender of capitalism to communism. Barry and his gang know that they can't fight us themselves, even with the Military and different levels of LEOs. They want us to fight ourselves,hence the class warfare propaganda.That is one of the things Marx propagated the (Violent over throw of the wealthy) So the best thing you can do is prepare for long term survival of you and yours.And prepare to Protect & Defend yourself,friends & family.

    PS: Move close to a government building or housing project, go to Wally World, buy lots of water hoses and Electrical extension cords,just remember to bring them in before sun up.
    PSS: Rain Barrels and gasoline generators ,wood/charcoal cook stoves if you don't want your Home Canned foods or other preps being tracked
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