"This is the day!" ... One-day only coupon, Apr. 5

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by JC Refuge, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    This is the day!

    This is our time, for better or worse. Rain or shine, blessing or curse.

    Looks like the year we've been expecting would come. Some hide in fear or provoke or go numb.

    This is the day we have left to prepare. Make way for the future. Prep smart, offer prayer.

    Opportunity still presents, even at this late hour. Seize it. Mobilize. Foresight is power.

    Prepare and fortify

    copyright 2016, Safecastle

    See our Apr. 5 email for more on the one-day coupon.
  2. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  3. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

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