With that thing, you don't even need to hit 'em! The flash would blind 'em and the noise would deafen them! Wowzers!! Kajun
"Make my day, PUNK!" I doubt that you'd get the opportunity to get off a second shot to do the double tap polka.....you'd have to dig out the foresight buried in your forehead first! I'd also get the kind of wrist brace that you sometimes see folk who have RSI wearing....I don't think you'd be firing off all the chambers before getting your wrist put in a plaster cast.....but the piece has good intimidation value.... if used with the script..."Make my day, PUNK!"
"Fetch the elephant pistol Tonto!" I believe this was a custom made one off gun made for a wealthy swiss dude....if he can afford to buy a custom made gun to his specifications on a whim, and not care about the expense...I don't think it's a case of a fool and his money being parted. He probably wanted to have an elephant pistol to match his elephant gun, a bit like gals accessorising their handbags....great idea for dispatching shots....but the pistol would need a native gun bearer of its own....."Tonto....fetch the elephant pistol!!"......."Do elephants shoot pistols kimosabe???"
I would never say that any gun is a waste of money, would I? I would never say that any gun is a waste of money, would I? However, on a case by case basis....I would say....(just wait 'till I put my flak jacket, kevlar helmet and jockstrap on) that in some instances...it may be a questionable allocation of scarce resources!
Out weighs my loaded M1A and an extra mag! And I could fire more than one round without a trip to the ER.
That would be something worth getting a buttstock and a serious scope on. I'd also be sure to have lots of padding on the recoil end!
Good Lord! LOL On a side note, although we have been training the "Failure Drill" or as some call it, "The Mozambique" I have been instructing others (on the sly to avoid issues at work) on the Pelvic Shot, destroying the support structure as opposed to attempting to hit a melon sized target that is moving. My .02 cents
RR, That video just proves the point that a HAND Cannon bigger than one can shoot, is a BIG WASTE OF TIME. and Effort.... Morooons are everywhere.... (Bugs Bunny Definition)