Tory resigns over strangulationof british freedoms heads up picked up from audio interview on alex jones (interview with kucinich A significant minority, however, supported him. One contributor wrote: "This will take the debate on freedom into every living-room in our country. Many people don't even know that children are fingerprinted or that someone can end up being arrested and have their DNA taken just for throwing out the wrong type of rubbish." In his statement outside the Palace of Westminster, Mr Davis said he wanted to force a by-election to stop the "slow strangulation of fundamental British freedoms" by the Government, including the introduction of ID cards and the extension of detention without trial for terrorist suspects. Claiming the government would soon seek to pass laws imprisoning suspects for "56 days, 70 days, then 90 days," he said: "In truth, perhaps 42 days is the one most salient example of the insidious, surreptitious and relentless erosion of fundamental British freedom." Listing a string of what he said were government infringements on personal liberty - including a DNA database "bigger than any dictatorship", excessive CCTV cameras and an assault on jury trials - he said: "This cannot go on, it must be stopped, and for that reason today I feel it is incumbent on me to take a stand. "I will argue in this by-election against the slow strangulation of fundamental British freedoms by this Government. "Now, that may mean I have made my last speech to the House. It's possible. And of course that would be a cause of great regret to me. "But at least my electorate and the nation, as a whole, would have had the opportunity to debate and consider one of the most fundamental issues of our day.
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj When the "sheeple" are awakend to what extent the "dictatorship" has over us, he and others like him will have alot of people on their side...IMO?
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj Just glad its not just me feeling paranoid... Hows the fuel strike by the drivers????
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj No mate its not "you" feeling paranoid...its real! Re the fuel strike..ive updated the thread on it cheers mate.
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj The saddest thing is the man was a useful person, who's heart is in the right place, who could have got things back on track, but now that he has thrown the towel in he'll achieve naff all. Can't blame him, the task is impossible at worst and more than enough at best. Tony
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj To bad it happens after they take their guns away. First they act nice and get you to sign a contract, and then wham, your rights are gone.
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj We should pay close attention to Britain. I think they is us +10(?) years...
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj 10years Bro? Try more like within the next year. Teotwawki and martial law, riots in the streets, $5 gas oh yah brother it's all coming. We'll be in Iran before the next election and Bush will assume executive control and postpone the elections. He's our Vlatimere Putin!
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj I can't see that happening without some sort of atrocity committed against the USA. Tony
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj Could very well be, I was trying to be "positive "( after my recent bought of negativity); but you went and shot that in the ass..
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj HA! Tony my British friend; TPTB could arrange that... ( unless I'm a complete "nutter"!).
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj Tony it will be staged just like 911 was!
Re: Tory "heavyweight" resigns over strangulationof britishj Well I think that the stage is being set, as we try to disbelieve it, Brown sorry the right dishonorable gentleman from Scotland who is the PM has been asked to commit more troops to the stan and Iraq, and GWB having asked the French to send more troops over, probably to free up the fighting troops for something, now I wonder what. I'm so glad that at my age I'm considered to old for combat.