Who EVER heard of using flammable materials as a Range BackStop.... That is JUST NUTS.... What was the guy, who designed that place, THINKING? Inquiring Minds, want to know.......@ghrit
The @ feature doesn't seem to be working. But tracers will fragment and spray around if not completely burned on the way down range; maybe got into the structure. ETA: @ does work, it was in latency when I saw this thread.
Using Flammable Materials that are NOT adequately covered by either Sand, or Steel in a Range Backstop is just NUTS... Might just as well use Tannerite and just blow it up right off... And be done with it...
our range allows tracers and tannerite but outlawed .50 BMGs because some idiot kept shooting the target posts and range markers.
There are two ways my club knows about for fire starting, one is tracers, the other is MN m44s from prone. One is down range, the other is in your face. (We have charred some weeds with Tannerite, but they didn't flame up.)
I remember several times at the range on ft Richardson where we had to break down the 5-1 tracers since we started grass fires. That just left hundreds of tracer rounds to become "unaccounted for". The first year we started a fire, we had to run back to the airfield, grab a blackhawk, and use the water bucket to put it out.
One thing I've remembered from when I served is tracers are great for those times when you really need to burn the crap out of something.
CLASSIC as a side note, I wonder how long it will be until they show up on gunbroker for $1000-1500...