Here's a quick vid I did on why having a kit to deal with medical trauma is important, and what the kit should consist of.
Our kits contain a few "battle dressings"--essentially a sanitary napkin with cloth attached to wrap around the injury. Speaking of such--napkins make fine dressings with a bit of tape. Mini pads work well also for smaller injuries. We keep plenty of 4X4s/etc also.
Great video. Thanks for making and sharing. Found a kit at a local store that comes with 4 bottles of injectable Lidocaine, Amoxicillin, and Cephalexin. It also includes Povidone, 4 packs of Blood stop, 2 ea.TK4 tourniquet, Triangular bandage, 4 pair of Nitrile gloves, 12 ea.Syringe 29g x 1/2", and 4ea Petrolatum gauze. It is in my go bag with my Glock. RangerRick-Old School SF Medic
Good vid. I seldom sit through more than a few minutes. I had a bad mountainbike accident solo. 4 inches of bone exposed. Got a bitchin' out by a young E room nurse for putting a tourniquet on until the old battle axe nurse waddled in and shut her up. "Can you feel this?" "Yup" "He'll be fine." I suspect battle field triage experience. You're spot on about what you NEED to carry.
Skill is more important than gear. Carry SOMETHNG, and more important, know how to use it. Probably a good idea to know how to improvise the gear you need. If I'd been at the Boston Marathon on that fateful day, I'd a been able to take care of one or two people. What if you have half a dozen folks that need critical care?
I would like to add that experience is the fourth item you need if you expect to do more good than harm tending others. In this acquiring skills and equipment is only the start. You must join (if not having the Mil experience etc.) a rescue group of some type. This all takes a real commitment and a lot of time and money. None the less expect to spend a couple of years manning an ambulance or real aid station if you expect to use your hard won skills to the advantage of others. Most Rural Fire Companies also have an ambulance or three, a ride along should be your first move. Later, if you get qualified (State Test Etc) you will find yourself in the Back of the Box saving lives, one at a time. When that happens you will know what you need and don't need.
Our kits are all "homemade". They were put together by the wife and a friend, both who have years of Trauma experience. We are of the thought that 99% of the time a person will have a much more useful kit by shopping around and building it themselves vs dropping a couple hundred bux (or more) on store bought units. Takes a bit more time/effort, but you end up with more for less or at worst the same amount dollar wise IMO.
While working with a rural EMS I had at least 3 types of KITS. 1. One was always in the car/daily driver complete with O2. 2. Another was kinda a portable pack affair that went in the other vehicle while traveling. 3. The third was my complete "On Duty" box that stayed by the front door when not on the unit. Most ERs were more than happy to resupply us when we delivered a patient. Of course that was the Nurses that aided us in the resupply and not the ADMIN.
Exactly. Aside from being the "right" thing to do, its just professional courtesy. Besides, ya just never know..
I get some items from the EMS units when ask and item near expiration date from the college... most of these are things like ammonium caps, ice packs, and similar items that expiration doesn't really matter...
Really? Can you provide more info about availability? Any way others can buy this, possibly with a bit of assistance if needed? Thanks. AT (EMT in a previous life)
For all things medical around here the wife is the boss. Any questions she may have she runs by a couple of like minded doctors we know. In the past she has worked for a pharmaceutical company giving seminars instructing doctors and nurses on new drugs coming on to the market and their uses as well as performing narcotic audits,ect. This is what she and her doctor buddies say about expiration dates. As a rule most expiration dates on NON medicinal items are more of a "best if used by" and as long as the packaging is unopened most items will be fine to use-insert common sense here. Doctors,clinics, hospitals ect can't use any item with an expired date mainly because of the fear of lawsuits. So many savvy nurses hand out stuff that may well hit their expiration dates sitting in a hospital store room to the EMS types that are more likely to use them up beforehand. Its a win win; the EMS guys get resupplied, the savvy nurse has cleared out some close to expiration items meaning she/he can put in for resupply with little worry from higher ups(a real concern in some places) and last but not least, nothing was wasted. To be truthful a lot of our med supplies have expired dates and that doesn't bother me in the least. PSTF, would you tell the only medic around that she can't use that stapler to close the wound on your leg because you saw that the date on the package was expired? Me neither While there is a surprisingly large "gray area" as far as many medicines go, one does have to be careful. Many medicines can be safely used after the expiration date but need to be properly stored and checked/tested before use. Not sure I should expand on this part of the topic much further as I'm NOT a medical professional-I just sleep with one
After my MiL passed away the wife and I were cleaning up in their home and I found a couple of regulators for the O2 bottles. Since they had been in a place that would indicate that they hadn't been used in a long time I chose to keep them. When the guy from the medical supply came by to pick up the oxygen generator (hated to see that go) he also mentioned he was to pick up the two large O2 tanks that they showed were still there.Sure enough, they were on the back porch. Along with a regulator still attached. A few days later we were looking in an outbuilding and found 10 of the smaller O2 bottles and a little pull cart that you see folks use. Needless to say, I've kept all those bottles and over a period of time exchanged them out at a couple different places for full ones and they are now added to our med supplies. They won't last real long for someone that needs O2 on a continual basis, but may come in handy for shorter term use.