I have decided to part with several of my collection to make way for a new project. If there is something that you are looking for specifically, drop me a pm; chances are that I might have it and be willing to sell or trade. I will be adding to this list as I get time to go through my collection. Federal Ordnance National Match Semi-auto M14 with Boyds custom fat walnut stock and hand-guard, Sadlak titanium mount, Springfield Armory mil-dot scope, and leather sling $3000.00 Weatherby .30-06 with Boyds pepper laminate custom stock and Leupold scope, leather sling $1250.00 1928 manufactured Browning Auto-5 in 100% condition; show-room quality $1800.00 1897 Winchester pump in excellent condition. (30" full) Was locked in a base skeet range for many years and has the bomb emblem $800.00 High Standard Police pump shotgun carried in SE Asia, VG $500.00 Mossberg 500 Mariner with rifled slug barrel and all walnut $550.00 Ruger .44 mag semi-auto carbine with 4X scope and sling $600.00 1893 Marlin Take-down in .32-40 VG $1800.00 Remington 700 ADL 7mm Weatherby magnum with Leupold glass, leather sling, and custom Boyds pepper laminate thumb-hole stock $1250.00 Imbel FN Fal built on DSA receiver ex $1250.00 STG-58 Fn Fal built on DSA receiver $1600.00 Will consider offers and or trades