Trouble Makers at the Wallstreet Protests

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Avarice, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I don't have to like anyone's agenda and I might find fault with the method they choose to use and 9 out of 10 times, the automaton just needed a job, Seig Heil!
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The stench is pretty much typical.

    When they are told to move on because of the human waste and garbage; then, it will be denying them their constitutional right. It is a well played game by the activists.

    I wonder how the Founders would have reacted to a vomit in? Or urinating and defecating on the streets.
  3. swalt

    swalt Monkey+

    These protests have all been orchestrated by the socialist movement and the unions in this country. There are pictures on the The Blaze of these useful idiots, some of them openly wearing SEIU t-shirts. Read Saul Alinsky's book, Rules For Radicals. This is his idea in a step by step method of how to take down the United States by creating as much chaos as possible. We are going to see a lot more of this in the coming months. There will be ... really bad things happening. Get prepared. That is why I am on this site. I thought most of you were here for the same reason.
    Seawolf1090 and Alpha Dog like this.
  4. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    We are here for the same reason, being prepared, this is just a sub forum about freedom and Liberty.

    I think these kids have something to say and we should listen. Give them a chance to speak and then disagree, or maybe, you know you might agree with a lot that they say. Don't let preconceived notions about their intentions, or your rabid hatred for anything labeled as communism or liberal get in the way of listening and thinking.
    Seacowboys likes this.
  5. Opinionated

    Opinionated Monkey+

    Well OK. You do have a good point.

    But can we still pepper spray them after? :D
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    The Unwashed Masses have spoken...... time to return to their apartments in their Momma's basement. Mom's gonna have a tough time with that laundry.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    No one is saying they don't have something to say and have a right to be heard. However, it is also the right of others to decline to listen. The right of free speech does not contain any requirements for others to listen.

    They block traffic, add a stench to the streets; don't others have some rights also? I guess my question is why does their right trump the rights of others?

    The right of free speech seems to always include millions of tax payer dollars to clean up. Somehow, the reality is everything the left undertakes ends up being government subsidized.

    With me, after seeing communism I can't say I have any respect for communists. Although if all one's knowledge is limited to is books and motivational speakers; it would sound great.
  8. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    Communism needs to be saved from the communists just as much as EVIDENTLY, and we can all agree, Capitalism needs to be saved from the capitalists. Beyond that, Russia killed the true communists first whenever they entered another country. It was Fascism and Greed that you saw. Just so you don't twist, I'm not suggesting we should all move to a communist country.

    As far as being subsidized, to clean this up will be low cost. Not to mention, I would guarantee that if the city brought them trash cans and porta potties they would take care of it themselves. They have to use the bathroom, they have to eat from containers. Or they have to leave.
  9. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    Found this by Mr. Fish!
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Emphasis mine. The question I have is related to public expense to gratify the wishes of those protesting to disrupt normal life. Whether the city provides porta potties and trash barrels during the "event" or supplies street sweepers afterwards, it comes out of public coffers. Why should the "event" organizers not provide the services like legitimate shows do?

    I still cannot fathom what the ravings were all about other than creating photo and interview ops for the MSM. I don't think I saw two interviews that were complaining about the same thing. Pretty diffuse "cause celebre", methinks.
    Sapper John likes this.
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I 100% support a persons right to protest, to "peacefully" assemble, to make their voices heard. Even if these folks really have no clue what they want to protest. But don't expect me(through my tax dollars) to subsidize it. And don't infringe on my rights while exercising yours. Like shutting down traffic, occupying bridges etc.

    My whole philosophy is pretty much based on the old Tri States Manifesto of the '80's. You have every right to rake up the leaves in your yard and burn them. But if the smoke is drifting across to my yard and coming in my windows then I have every right to come over and politely ask you to put it out. And you have every right to refuse. And of course, then I have every right to drag you off of the porch, beat your inconsiderate azz unconscious and use your limp body to put out the fire.

    Trying to inject a little humor into the conversation. Don't think that the above in any way is meant to exonerate the cops who may have overstepped and abused their authority.
    Alpha Dog, Falcon15 and Sapper John like this.
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    well we can all be glad that none of them were wearing suicide bomber vests that they detonated as they were being detained by the police.

    That would have been an awful mess.

    Anyway, if they don't protest, who will? The rest of us are trying to earn money so we can pay the man his due. Could you or I take weeks off of work to go rally around something?

    Probably not. So, at least they are not looting. Oh that's right, the bankers already did that.

    Carry on.

    Naughty Monkey.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    You do realize that capitalism doesn't work without capitalists, right?

    I understand the difference between Communism and communism; I also know neither have worked; however, their believers know it will work here.

    Do you have a source for the "Russia killed the true communists first whenever they entered another country"?
    The reality of it is communists are in it for themselves same as capitalists; go where they live and see for yourself.

    Nope, nothing to steal so it was pure old fashioned communism. As I said book smart doesn't work well with the subject.

    Low cost clean ups; who are you trying to kid? There is everything from trash to bio waste which carries diseases.

    You cannot guarantee anything about what a crowd will do at a future event.

    Perhaps the city should supply catered food, set up showers and provide a laundry service? The Left is always grandiose with the tax payer's dime.

    As it is their mess why should the city do anything??
    Sapper John likes this.
  14. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    The saving the Capitalists from the Capitalists is just a saying and you know what you means. No discussion will ever end if we keep playing dumb.

    Yes, my source is a customer of mine who remembers the Soviets killing people in his village when they refused to surrender their property to the state. He remembers the hand over his face, but he could still see through his aunts fingers. He is the one who told me the first people they killed was the Communist party. He seems pretty reliable.

    I think you're taking your hate for the left a bit far, you pretend like liberals are the only ones who spend tons of money. I'm sure we can find equal amounts of money spenders on all ends of the spectrum.

    They can pay to clean it up later, or they have pay for trash bins and toilets now. It's a problem solved in a practical way. You're complaining about a future problem that could be adverted if the authorities pulled their head out of their ass. Instead, it seems they want to come in later and say "UGH!!! Look at what these protesters did." We need to be proactive, not reactive.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    "They" is you and me. E pluribus unum, I don't care to clean up after others, but feel free to open your wallet and/or pick up a shovel and broom. The protesters themselves are responsible citizens, or so they and you would have us believe. Accordingly, what's wrong with mess makers themselves being proactive and taking care of it themselves instead of shifting the trouble and expense to the nonparticipants? I tend to think of them as exploiting those who take care of their own. Now, I wonder who is exploiting who, and who should pull what out of where?

    Much better and more influential, methinks, if "the authorities" can come along afterwards and say something like, "Gee. These folks were good citizens, took care of it themselves. They might be nice neighbors rather than denizens of slobovia." Trust me, they WANT to be able to say that rather than pointing out the mess left behind; it's a reaction everyone can live with.
  16. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Can't remember which show it was , but while watching fox the other night, they did an interview with a few of those kids in their picket's etc. When asked why they were protesting , they said they wanted an end to capitolism. When asked the second question which was, what would you change it to ? Not one of them could get past the blank stare's. In other words, in my opinion, they didn't evev know why they were there.
    Sapper John and Seawolf1090 like this.
  17. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    This kid knows why he is there.

    Of course the media runs along and sticks a mic in a kids face. Cause they don't actually want an answer. The kids listen to speeches, they are there because they know something is wrong, and this was better than staying home. Why not ask a leader of the movement who is used to talking to the media and can relate in a CLEAR and concise manner what it is that they are there for. Why are you watching FOX anyways, don't you know they are owned by foreigners just trying to get ratings and cash? They are an inflammation, and that is the reason you saw the clip you saw.

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  18. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    I don't mind paying for it, nor do I mind picking up a shovel and a broom, but in reality, based on my current job and current location, I'm going to be paying for it.

    Lets talk about this in REALITIES! The reality is that these kids aren't going anywhere. Will it cost more to pay for Port-a-potties and dumpsters, or will it cost more to clean up AFTER it's done?
  19. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    You are right in saying The Right wastes money too. But THIS dog&pony show is strictly a Liberal Left Looney Toons Production, funded by The Usual Suspects........

    Sapper John likes this.
  20. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    Fair enough.

    Here's a good article.

    Brutal bank crackdown but crooks go free o_O Information Clearing House News

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