Turtle Homicide by Auto on the rise - BAN CARS! SAVE THE EARTH

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by Mindgrinder, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Unlikely. In Canada you are required to be in control of your vehicle at all times. ANY accident where you rear-end someone or hit a pedestrian/animal is YOUR fault for not leaving enough room between your vehicle and the one in front of you or paying attention to deer/moose/dogs etc. To be perfectly honest, we HAVE lost a dog to a kid racing his car down our dead end road. We did not sue him but I'm pretty sure he has never driven down our road again. We confronted him in a very um....well....errr....frankly....violent manner. He didn't call the cops either, despite having his car kicked several times and a single punch to the face from my little brother. I still miss that dog...pit bull/golden retriever cross...very unique.
    I don't think you get it man....I live on a small farm...my dog GUARDS the road and chases deer and bear off it and the surrounding properties.
    The neighbors are quite happy with the arrangement.
  2. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I wish I could find the article I penned for the high school newspaper titled, "Roadkill Fun for Everyone" and "More Roadkill Fun" in which I make a wonderful game to play while driving from Michigan to Florida for spring break. The first article was about identifying roadkill and getting points for who could visually collect the most points while the second took the game to a new level of intentionally swerving to darwinize the creatures that were not smart enough to adapt to live with roads.

    Hmmmmm.......it really made a bunch of bunny huggers hate me. I think the line that really go them was, "And then swerve and finish the squirrel off with a head squash! 25pts"

    I will now admit that I was one of those people who always stopped to get the turtle across the road to the pond.
  3. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I can understand following too close and rear-ending another vehicle, as that would be your fault.

    However, as far as hitting a dog/cat/deer/moose that jumps out in front of and being your fault is pretty freakin' retarded.

    About four years ago in a residential neighborhood, I had a large dog run right out in front of me while driving 20 MPH. I drove right over it both axles, no time to react. I stopped and went to the door of the house it came from and helped them put the dog in their vehicle to take it to the vet. Never heard whether the dog survived or not. I felt pretty bad but had no control over the situation.

    Pedestrians jumping in front of you is another story. Usually if they are not in a designated cross walk and get hit, it is not the driver's fault. However, if you are speeding or do not stop then that is entirely different.

    Yes, America has become a very litigious society. No doubt about that.
    Mindgrinder likes this.
  4. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

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