Tv Casting Call

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Raw TV, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. Raw TV

    Raw TV Monkey+

    Raw TV, the makers of the hit shows Gold Rush and Locked Up Abroad, are searching for individuals to feature as part of a new series for a major cable television network. Do you have the spirit of an American pioneer? Are you fed up with the world you live in today and imagine another - better - way to live? Do you and your family and friends ever talk about leaving society we know it, leaving it all behind and building a new world off the grid,with the frontier grit of your forefathers? If you are passionate about your beliefs and would be willing to share them with a national TV audience we would love to talk to you.

    If this sounds like you, whether you have a plan in action, have a more long term dream or are already living out on the frontier, please email your contact details and a brief description of your situation to
    link deleted = ghrit

  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Raw, you ran this ad before. If you want to pursue this further, contact melbo. Your link is deleted as an OPSEC measure. In the meantime, any interested members can find you on line and contact you that way.

    This is spam, and henceforth will be treated that way.
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