Ultimate Survival Knife

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Clyde, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I bought a knife last year at the great rivers habitat dinner in St. Louis, MO. I know knothing about the knife maker, but it is was made by duncanmadeknives.com Have you ever heard of this knife maker?

    The knife I purchased is damascus steel bowie knife.
  2. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Especialy when the steel is hammered into a knife. I do very little knife makeing with material removal, my prefered meathod is hammer and anvil on a coal forge. I just prefer what I end up with as its easier to heat treat and IMHO has more personality with the bairly perceptible hammer marks left in the finished product.
    One thing to watch out for if you go to buy a knife that is 'damascus' is cable knives. There are some unscrupulous knife makers that will hammer a knife out of a piece of cable and pass it off as damascus. It dose look about right but has nowhere the quality.
  3. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Make one for yourself MM, then post the pics. You might be surprised what people will pay. Besides, you will get the orders before you have to make the knives. I never would have thought I would have paid $1700 for a pistol, but I did...........

    "When you buy the best, you only cry once."
  4. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    True... I want my forge...lol
  5. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    And it only gets worse Billy, it only gets worse. :D
  6. Cousin Jack

    Cousin Jack Knifemaker Founding Member

    Strider knives are very nice...built to last a lifetime.
  7. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Nope, won't trash you. Cause lots of us know why you are broke...including Valkman. Besides I personally think you're good for the money. You unlike others we'll see to it that he gets paid.
  8. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  9. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    BtK even called me last night, and that was neat to talk to him!

    At this point, having made knives less than 6 months, I need people to use these and tell me what needs to be improved. I found one design flaw on my own with the handle design - I was bringing the front edge of the handles too far forward, they got too thin and could break. Stuff like that. I'm not worrying about the knives being weak or failing but would like to see tham used. :D
  10. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    So far I've not found much wrong with mine Valkman. Admittedly it hasn't been used that much - but I've got to get a sheath made for it first.

    Wonder what Lifter would charge to do that? Or does he do things like that?
  11. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That's right, you didn't get a sheath with yours. I figured it would go on "the wall"! But you're right - I can't expect people to use them and not provide a sheath, although that was the only one I did that with. I'll see if we can make one for it.
  12. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Valkman - true I should put it on the wall with the others. But I think it's the perfect size for a carry blade. A lot of my others are just too big (and believe it or not virtually all those on the wall have a sheath packed away - and I actually know where the sheaths are for them).

    I hadn't thought about carrying it till I got it and thought dang that's just the right size. Strange how you don't think till you actually see it.
  13. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    And for EL, here's a couple that went out although I can't remember which was for whom. This is the same type BtK got, and one of these is probably in his hands now. :D

  14. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sweet, if you need a guinea pig, or maybe guinea monkey would be more appropriate, I would be more than happy to work one out for you. [winkthumb]

    When I think about a knife that I would use for survival, I am thinking of a good sized blade, like the one in the pic that would be comfortable to hold when cutting, and not slick. It would be used for cutting meat, and maybe even some bone at some time or another. In emergency situations it would be asked to do a lot more, cutting a branch or a seat belt, or other things. Good blades that would not dull easy, and get you out of a bind when the time came. Now the looks, like the knife above, that is just the cherry on top.
  15. Valkman

    Valkman Knifemaker Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Thanks E.L.! Right now the biggest blade I can heat treat is 5", and I'm thinking about doing a simple mod to my forge that will allow me alot more room - at least to 8 or 9" anyway. Those I made were 3/16" O1 tool steel and are very strong, yet will bend 90 degrees without breaking because of the heat treat I do. If I lengthened it out some and used Micarta or G10 for the handle it would be just about right for a good survival knife. I'll have to try it!

    Teresa, the wife is in charge of sheaths now (helps me alot!) and she said we'll make you one.
  16. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Don, tell your lovely wife I said thank you!
  17. swinefornicator

    swinefornicator Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Hey, Kid, careful what ya wish for.......

    As the spoon stirs.......
  18. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    [stirpot] I can help!
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    One blade and one blade only, if I understand the original question? A 3/4 axe, hands down fave with me. I figgers if I'm in that dire straights, I don't need thinly sliced baloney. And I'm too lazy to get into a knife fight, that's what the 357 is for, so I don't need a combat knife. But then, if I needed a knife, it would be fixed blade, not longer than 6 inches, hollow ground, drop (or katana) point to go with the axe when finer work was needed. To me, as with most things, a knife is a tool to be used, therefore I would not go with the fancy high priced stuff, just look for good steel properly treated for longevity. Valkman is headed down the right path toward making the right stuff for the right price, and some of what he's posted is ready for engraving.

    IMHO. [beer]
  20. aviationlifesupport

    aviationlifesupport Monkey+++ Founding Member

    hi ,

    try the wilkinson sword CSK survival knife ,
    often reffered to as the "dartmoor" CSK ,

    exellent bit of kit i can vouch for , personally !

    exellent all rounder which can be used to heavy chopping , fine cutting , skinning , and the usual abuse from beating tree's to working bone ,
    comes with a slightly naff "survival" kit but the sheath is ambidextrous and has good drainage holes ,

    also the inside of the sheath has a 5mm high rounded spacer which is hollow ,
    i manadged to put my issue brass button compass in one side and a issue wire saw in the other ,
    you can adapt them to fit the single mag pouch / EOD knife pouch from the M-9 bayonette to it to if you want to carry a 9mm mag or a gerber / leatherman ,

    i have brought and been issued a lot of knives in the past from the british issue "golock" tree beater to the issue khukri and and even the MOD survival knife ,the new wilkinson does the job , every time !

    i have never known an edge keep its sharpness like wilkinson knives ,

    just my humble opinion.....

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