............What do you make of this?..................... YouTube- Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL I wonder how many are "Not our freind's"?
So how much does it cost tp get a religious extremest that support terrorism outta the USA? Seattle WA. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008586991_webprotest03m.html Dearborne MI......LISTEN CLOSELY!!! YouTube- Arab-Americans rally in Dearborn for Gaza YouTube- Arab Americans in Michigan rally and chant for Gaza We are now infiltrated, and ready to be harvested. I know my enemy. YouTube- Muslims in America My ancestor's did not die in vain. Remind's me of "morale compass". YouTube- TEXAS MONTHLY TALKS - TED NUGENT
take your blood hatred( A.K.A beautiful religion of peace)back to the3rd world's sh*tholes. booosh! missed a few!